
Next survey: Did you finish your last project

Started by January 19, 2000 10:58 AM
14 comments, last by GunnarSteinn 25 years, 1 month ago
I finished my last project, even sold a few copies, and have it on a boxed compilation on my desk. woohoo!
I would never get more than a quarter into a roject thatiw asnt going to finish, it just seems like such a waste of time...
It depends how long its taking though, my current project is almost 10 months old now and I am really looking foward to getting it behind me. How anyone can work on a game for 700 years (like Daikatana...) is beyond me.
I guess I haven''t finished my last project. As a beginning programmer (I am attempting to learn DirectX), I find it a little hard to finish things. The last problem I was working on was to do with population and probability. It was a question in my sisters homework, and I still haven''t found out the answer. Maybe I will get around to doing it this weekend...
Chris F - If you have TI calculator (TI-83 works fine) you can get/make a cable that you attach to the LPT/COM port and transmit the files into calculator and execute them, that is assuming they are written in ??? assembly (or there basic-ish language). I even had a super mario bro''s clone on mine

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It''s extremely hard to finish a program as a beggining programmer, everytime I learn something new..I''ve got to re-start the entire program or create a new advanced...Maybe someday I''ll know all

Most of the projects that I really got started on are completed to the point they are playable with not too many bugs in them. About three parlor type games. They just need clean up- "pretty work"... better graphics, sounds etc. But I doubt there will ever be a time when my games are "completely finished."

I haven't finished the project I'm working on but I'm still working on it, I haven't stopped. I guess the real question should be "Did you finish your last project, are you still working on it or have you stopped working on it?"

Breakaway Games

Edited by - Machaira on 1/22/00 3:24:52 PM

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

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