
Independence Day 2.... how do you feel about it as a programmer?

Started by December 14, 2015 04:42 AM
23 comments, last by GearTreeEntertaiment 8 years, 10 months ago

Would seem like a potential waste of resources to attempt to take a planet that already took out a mothership.

Vengeance, revenge,and vindictive nature know nothing of wasting resources.

Generally if they are remotely human like in their emotions then they'd probably see it as a slap in the face and an insult.

If you're top of the pile you can't let defeat slide.

As soon as you let one enemy win a battle and don't respond, you're opening the gates for all your enemies to see your weaknesses and you can lose the war...

The only reason to not press the offensive is lack of ability to do so, e.g. not enough troops, not enough resources. That is a really bad impression to give to aggressive enemies and logic dictates we wouldn't be the only ones out there capable of fighting back...

I absolutely loved ID4 back in the summer of '95. The aerial battles were so awesome it may as well have been - at the time - the "forth Star Wars" film. Especially when reading Dark Empire comics and the battles with the World Devastators above Mon Calamari. Cheesy American stuff, but it ROCKED.

Then we got the rather underwhelming Phantom Menace. Oh dear. But that's for another topic altogether...

I am so glad we are getting a new ID movie to coincide with a new season of X-Files and Twin Peaks. Its like a retro-revival of the early 90s, which is awesome. So long as the aerial battles are as fun and furious as the 95 original...bring it on!

Damn, I remember drawing some large A3 sketches back in the day - Cam Kennedy style - of the Aliens conquering a world previous to the Earth invasion in the film...I should still have them somewhere! And so cool, back then I was like "imagine a sequel where they use the technology from the first invasion to go off exploring the stars and liberating other civilisations from the evil Invaders!"...ah dear. So glad they have super-tech-fighter planes in this one...

And y'know, I always had a soft spot for Russell Casse - a TRUE American Hero! Even when Aliens do actually invade Earth, blowing up cities and bringing humanity to its knees - still no one will believe that he was abducted!

Okay, so...hell yes! I am totally pumped for a sequel! It will be of course typical American bullshit - but I don't care! So long as they have the same energy and fantastic musical score from the first - BRING IT ON!!!

"Gentlemen! Lets plough the road!!!"

Languages; C, Java. Platforms: Android, Oculus Go, ZX Spectrum, Megadrive.

Website: Mega-Gen Garage


Why would you risk a second attack if you knew that they had already defeated your forces once and nearly wiped you out

But, by the same token the Aliens almost won. The earthlings only just beat them back and the earthlings also had far more collateral damage. If you had deemed the planet worthwhile sending such a large invasion force then you'll identify the weakness that let you down in the past and have another attempt.

I always thought a sequel would be hard to pull off, but damn if that trailer didn't get me pumped to see what happens.
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Honestly I don't see what this film can really mess up as long as it looks good (as in special effects). In my opinion the first Independence wasn't really that interesting other than the special effects. But then again, I never have been one for alien movies.


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