
Rising sea's

Started by December 04, 2015 10:02 PM
53 comments, last by Juliean 8 years, 10 months ago

We in the USA are by far the worst offenders in pretty much every category when it comes to impact on the environment.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

Plus the world it's self is a magnetic engine. Like when the space shuttle towed a copper line behind it energy to have.

What do you mean by that? To get energy from the magnetic field too?


I should say most of the sea level rise is due to land reclaiming projects all over the world.

You can say that, but you'll be wrong...

- Jason Astle-Adams

well - the displacement of a nimitz-class aircraft carrier is 100,000 tons. that means when the carrier is sitting in water, the underwater part of the aircraft carrier takes up a volume that, if filled by water, would weigh 100,000 tons. the density of water is 62 lbs per cubic foot, so that means the carrier displaces around 3.2 million cubic feet of water, or 24 million gallons.

this is just one of them.

That might sound impressive, but to put those figures in context, the first estimate I get through Google for the volume of world's oceans is about "1,350,000,000 cubic kilometers". In contrast, based on the figures you quoted and the first conversion site I consulted, the carrier would displace 0.000090849882816 cubic kilometers of seawater.

A large majority of what you're asking is grammatically incorrect, making it hard to understand, and derived from ignorance/stupidity (You pick).

Yes, sea levels are rising. That's because the world is heating up. Take a glass of water, and mark the water line with a sharpie.

Put it in the microwave for thirty seconds, and mark it again. You can clearly see the water level rose. This is because things expand as they absorb heat. Sea levels are rising because they're absorbing heat from the surrounding environment. There's probably some other factors in play as well, but this is one of them.

What I want to know is how you have 2,000 karma if you post these kinds of questions, formatted in that way.

EDIT: Your oldest post is in 2015, but the account was created in 2006? What's going on here? How'd you get that much karma? Mods?

What will you make?

EDIT: Your oldest post is in 2015, but the account was created in 2006? What's going on here? How'd you get that much karma? Mods?

Ankhd has been around since 2006. Maybe not all the time, but at least intermittently.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

A large majority of what you're asking is grammatically incorrect, making it hard to understand, and derived from ignorance/stupidity (You pick).

What I want to know is how you have 2,000 karma if you post these kinds of questions, formatted in that way.

What you need to know is that not everyone has English as their first/native language!

Writing in English OR one's level of understanding of English IS NOT a measure of intelligence! The world does not begin and end in the Anglo-Saxon-west

A native Japanese, Chinese, French, African or even German (excluding Samoth smile.png ?) would typically speak poor English but may be extremely intelligent and intellectually vast. In case you don't know there are thousands of languages around the world and English is not the Lingual-Franca (not even in California)

On GameDev English is the official language but I guess since people from everywhere are welcomed, you only need to be understandable in English - not near perfect.

Even much less in the technical forums, where communications via coding signals might be sufficient.

Most people in the Anglo-Saxon-west don't even bother to learn a second language expecting everyone to learn English ....

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...

Again with accusations to China.

Start with yourself.

Your diet, your computer use, your housing, your transportation, your consumption, YOU are contributing to the global warming crisis.

Contributing to about the same degree as a massive ship contributes to changing the sea level.

Your diet, your computer use, your housing, your transportation, your consumption, YOU are contributing to the global warming crisis.

That is what the mindless Green activists have been trying to indoctrinate into us here for the last ~30 years, and sadly they have been successful at politically enforcing some of their queer ideas.

While one can't say that their ideas are entirely wrong, their point of view is nevertheless very naive, and lacking overall understanding.

They're the same people who first mongered fear of "ozone killers" and had us spend billions on CFC-free refridgerators, and now they are promoting "bio-fuel" from rapeseed which is an ozone killer at least ten times as big. They're also massively importing rapeseed oil from Belarus because rapeseed oil is "sustainable", so it's good. Belarus started massively planting rapeseed in 1987, now go ahead and figure why (hint: rapeseed absorbs caesium-137).
Needless to say that they're the same people driving 10-year old cars, too.

They're the same nutters who were shouting "No to nuclear energy" without a backup plan for getting energy delivered where it's needed (at the same time, each of them owns an iphone), the same people who pushed the ban of lightbulbs in favour of seriously hazardous heavy-metal loaden light sources that, apart from being poisonous, give a very unnatural light which causes depressions. The same people who promoted shoveling billions of euros in subventions to China every year for having people install solar modules, in a country where the sun rarely shines and where the winters are cold (not as cold and dark as in Sweden, but still... it's not like this is Africa).

They're the same people first shouting for windmills because they are sooooo awesome (which cost the tax payer and private investors billions building them), and now protesting against these same windmills because they kill birds.

They're the same people who outlawed hoovers with more than 1200W. Which is great, I really like the idea of using a hoover with a little fewer watts three times as long, and still have a dirty floor afterwards. Saving on watts is a really splendid idea for eleminating the cancerogenous fine dust from the air in your workshop, too.

They're the same people who enforced "environmental zones" as well as widespread 30km/h zones and "red wave" traffic lights in every major city to reduce exhaust and particulate matter, causing both to go up significantly -- because now, thanks to rolling slower and stopping more often, more cars are in the city on the average, and having their engines run longer at less efficient rotational speeds.
Of course the Greens have no jobs, so they don't understand that the vast majority of people don't drive to the city for fun, but because they have to. Public transports are unaffordable, so they're no real option (I pay 4.80 one-way to go to Frankfurt, WTF?!).

They're the same people trying to teach us to eat maggots and locusts on the premise that there is not enough surface to produce meat for us in the future. Which is of course complete bollocks. They're taking global population growth (in a country where population is actually shrinking...) and extrapolate that, concluding that what we have in agricultural surface today (... of which about 1/4 is unused since it's more profitable to cash in the EU subventions for underusage, and another 1/4 is used for bio-fuel since that is better profit than food) we will not be able to produce enough food for ourselves in 30-40 years, and starve.

But... as far as China is concerned...


The sad truth is that as long as China and the USA don't play along (and they won't), anything anyone does climate-wise is futile to begin with. China announced a week or two ago that they're still planning to increase their CO2 production until... I forgot the exact year, but I think it was 2038.

Germany is by far Europe's heaviest CO2 producer (the next biggest player is UK, which does about half as much, Italy and France do about 1/4 as much, and the entire rest of Europe alltogether does about as much as Germany alone). Now, Germany contributed 2.2% to the worldwide CO2 exhaust in 2014.

Go figure what global difference it will make if we manage to reduce that by 10% or 20%. None.

tl;dr either;

The problematic thing about global warming is not so much that X million cubic meters of ice melt if we exhaust Y million tons of CO2. The problems are a lot more evolved:

First of all, there is a critical point at which it becomes a chain reaction, and there is no way for us knowing for sure where it is. There exist huge (and I really mean: huge) reservoirs of organic matter that can readily be transformed into CO2 or methane that are hidden or buried somewhere. For example, there are huge piles of dead plants and animals from 15,000-20,000 years ago buried under permanent ice in Sibiria. If the permanent frost zone shrinks, these are uncovered, melt, and rot. Methane gets free (and either acts as greenhouse gas, or self-ignites and burns), adding to the effects of global warming. Since these stocks are huge, their possible effects are huge, too. Quite possibly, there is a point of no return at which this "natural exhaust" is sufficient to drive global warming onwards even if humans do not produce any CO2 at all any more. Nobody can tell whether there is such a point of no return (but it's highly likely!) or when we will reach it.

Second, and equally important, it is not "warming" that is troublesome, but the effects that it causes. Nobody really cares when it's 0.5°C or even 1°C warmer. Nobody really cares if the oceans rise by 30cm (no, contrary to the april's fool article published by BILD this year, it will not mean "Thank God for global warming, Holland is gone!" -- don't ask me why they dislike the Netherlands so much).

Well, nobody cares except winemakers. 0.5°C do have a noticeable (and detrimental) effect on some wines, for example on Riesling.

However, with these insignificant extra 0.5°C come storms with thunder and lightning, and tornados. Summers with long, constant heat and no rain, and autumns where crops will drown, followed by bitter cold winters. This is what will affect everybody. Subtle changes that are hardly noticeable make huge differences for weather.

It is very possible that due to such a subtle change one or another major current (air or water) slightly changes direction. Such as for example the Gulf Stream. The last time this happened was when the Panama land bridge formed some 2-3 million years ago. In Europe, that period is commonly known as "The Ice Age" for the effect that it had on that region.

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