I've been working on a fairly low-res pixel-art style game and have been putting effort into allowing the player access to the sprite sheets. There are a lot of hard-coded graphics, but certain files are external. Most importantly: character weapons and gear.
I've got a system to allow the player to edit the weapon stats and an algorithm that determines the item cost based on the input stats. So in theory player's can make a 9999 damage super-high ROF weapon, but they'd spend a stupid amount of time gathering the resources needed to build it.
I should also note - this isn't the "main theme" of the game. It's just something of an aside. Something i thought would be neat, but not vital. I've got a collection of pre-made weapons/gear/etc for the player to use should they decide not to make custom stuff.
So far, I haven't had any technical issues with it yet, but actual gameplay isn't to a "functional" level yet, so 0 balancing has been done.
I rarely see much customization of this type and I'm kind of expecting to find out why later down the road. If anyone has any insight as to why this is a bad idea, I'd be happy to hear it, since it would at least let me consider fixes, or nix it completely. I've often gone down the "neat idea" path just to find at the end is a disaster or technical nightmare.
There is no multiplayer, so balancing PVP isn't going to be an issue.