Hello, I'm new here, and, so far, I've read a c++ pdf book ("tutorial c++.pdf") and made a really simple pong game in the windows prompt. I would like to know what program do you use to make graphics, colors and sound effects. I've only used the codeblocks. Could you point some programs, online tutorials, youtube channels, anything, to build, for example, a simple arcade game on c++. Thank you, for your time, I would really appreciate the help. xD
What should I do next?
For sound effects I would suggest audacity.
There's GIMP for graphics although I don't really know how good it is for pixel art/sprites.
You also might want to look into SFML, SDL, Allegro, or Clanlib. (to make putting graphics on the screen easier among other things)
I don't know of any tutorials and youtube channels but have you googled/youtube searched?
-potential energy is easily made kinetic-
I've tried some tutorials, but it weren't clear about how installing and compiling the codes. I've tried to create an allegro code, but the compiler was getting error... Could you point some tutorials on SDL or Allegro?
Personally I like SFML, it provides you with everything you need to make games at any level.
It's very straightforward and intuitive with a neat object oriented design, and support for graphics and audio.
And they have good tutorials
I'm in a similar situation as the topic creator, I started out learning JavaScript on Codeacademy and C# from a "For Dummies" book.
Then I started learning from Shaun Spalding's Gamemaker tutorials and I started learning GML, dropping JavaScript and placing C# on hold.
I've started studying basic art theory, ultimately I hope to be creating my own art through tablet and Photoshop. I just spent a while on 2-point perspective and I am about to work on basic human anatomy.
I've also been reading up on Game design. I've some ideas that would take some work to flesh out and figure out the game mechanics. It seems to me a good idea to figure out what I need to program first.
I've tried some tutorials, but it weren't clear about how installing and compiling the codes. I've tried to create an allegro code, but the compiler was getting error
SFML has precompiled versions for most compilers that should help you get started.
It seems to me a good idea to figure out what I need to program first.
Start with pong it's a very good first experience. After that you should feel more comfortable picking a second project like the OP did.
-potential energy is easily made kinetic-