Hey all.After trying various Screen Capture for recording my D3DX apps with no
luck, was all way's getting flicker. I decided to save out the render target to a series of images.
I'm using this as the time rate to capture the images.
Hey all.After trying various Screen Capture for recording my D3DX apps with no
luck, was all way's getting flicker. I decided to save out the render target to a series of images.
I'm using this as the time rate to capture the images.
Never hear about bandicam, but I would also recommend using a screen recording app designed for capturing video output.
A very popular and free one is OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), mostly designed to be used by streamers, but it also (ofcourse) supports recording to file.
To actually answer the question:
I think 24 is a bit low for video games, it easily makes it look a bit choppy, and this fact makes it a bit hard to spot tiny timing errors, so I have a hard time telling if that movie is actually smooth or not.
My first reaction is that it looks a bit "stop motion"-ish, which might be because of low sample rate, or that the samples are not 100% correct in timing.
OBS is fantastic and should replace pretty much every option for every situation.
Here, what you think.
Looks great and appears smooth. Nicely done.
I think 24p was a good choice.
Check this though, as the video game is changing.
Dev careful. Pixel on board.
Buckle up. Everything will be revealed.
If you have a recent NVidia GPU they built video capture directly into the GeForce Experience app, and it works very well.
As to frame rate, it's really hard to justify showing anything less than 60 fps these days - 24 fps is not an accurate reflection of how the game will look/feel.
Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. [https://trist.am]
Hey all.
only have vista. I would pick NVidia shadowplay but only have a 500 series. it's doing a good job and it's almost maxed out poor old girl.
You know what sux I spent 4 hours trying to install and join adobe to try its premier pro to put together the images for the video, in the end I can get all there other software but the one I joined for.
Windows movie maker wtf. stuck with a 0.25 delay between frames why. windows 7 and up fixed it but damn for vista.
Damn my computers so old it's almost turned to stone. Until now I use to buy updated computers all the time , The back room is full of them. I cant throw them out.
The back room is full of them. I cant throw them out.
I used to be that way, but recently I bought some external hard drive cases and I transfered all my data including machines from the 90's to my new machine. Threw out most of the old PC's just have the hard drives now. Except for the last PC I had kept it as a backup/parts.
Also what swiftcoder said, 24 fps is a movie frame rate, for PC games i'd say 30fps or 60 fps if you can. VSync on most machine is 60hz so 30 minimum.
-potential energy is easily made kinetic-
Looks like im stuck with the 24 frames tried a capture of my game and it slows down to 333 milliseconds per frame just usable. that generated for 9 minute record 4354 images man some work to load them in windows movie maker. Here. The computer is maxed out ok.