
Spells and Psionics

Started by October 19, 2015 06:41 PM
0 comments, last by alecm 9 years, 4 months ago

Hey, just wondering if anyone would like to help me finish up my spells. I've got a few down, but found trouble trying to complete the lists. I don't think I need to fill in every level, just have a good amount of spells for low, mid, and high level characters. The mud I'm working on is going to play a lot like a tabletop RPG. I'm going to get creative in mixing the two, and try to have an JRPG style battle system.

The setting is modern time, in a kind of post apocalyptic state. The world has fallen to a darkness, caused by Encon, an entertainment company, that was doing research on dark matter and broadcasting dream/wake entertainment via Wi-Con. There are dark powered creatures around, and other elementals for the characters to fight while uncovering the plot.

The two classes capable of using magic are the mage, and maelstrom. The mage has classic RPG stylee magic, while the maelstrom uses psionic powers.

The list so far is below. Any balancing ideas would be greatly appreciated too. Anyone with experiencing playing tabletop d20 games would be good at this.

Mage Spells

1st level

Magic Arrow - Conjure up a magic arrow that pierces enemies.

Light - Create a light to see in dark areas. Lasts until target is in daylight.

Fog - Create a fog that makes it harder for enemies to hit.

Poison Mist - Poison mist that does 1d4 damage per turn.

Tolerance - Gain +1 bonus to saves.

Light Rain - Cause 1d4 damage to fire elemental creatures.

2nd Level

Fireball - Conjure a blast of fire, deals 1d4 damage.

Lightning - Strike enemies with a lightning bolt.

Repair - magically repair broken and worn gear.

Dose - Splash out fires.

Sight - see up to 2 rooms in any direction.

3rd Level

Linguist- Understand any one individual or scroll per casting.

Explosive Sigils - Deals 1d6+1 damage to enemy target.

Flaming Arrow - Deals 1d4+1 fire damage. Against reflex of on fire.

Bravery - +2 on attack rolls, +1 on saves, +1 on skill checks.

Sleep - Put 5th level and lower creatures to sleep. Against will.

Wind Barrier - +2 Ranged bonus against arrows, deflects gases, and mists.

Minor Healing - Heal self or target for 1d8 Health Points

4th Level

Thief's Eye - See contents of targets pockets.

Crystal Shards - 2d6 damage to target.

Bees - Conjure a swarm of bees for 1d6 damage per round.

Whisper - Send message to another player’s mind once per day.

5th Level

Fearful Wind - Will save or target becomes afraid.

Conjure Phantom - Phantom deals 1d6 damage to target.

Bolt - Lightning deals d6 damage.

Wall of Fire - Deals d8 damage to target. Reflex save or on fire.

6th Level

Burning Vision - Scorching ray does 3d6 damage to target.

Death Cloud - Kills creatures level 3 and lower. Level for and 5 make fortitude save or die.

Far Sight - See up to 4 rooms in any direction.

7th Level

Major Healing - Heal self or target for 1d20 Health Points.

Fearful Howl - All targets make will save or become afraid.

Poison Gas - Cause poison against fortitude. Deals 1d6+1 per round.

8th Level

Break - Will save or target becomes broken.

Lightning Storm - Deals 2d6 damage to all targets in combat.

Mental Assault - Deals 3d6 damage to target.

9th Level

Prism Sphere - A sphere protects target for duration of combat. +5 to Armour Rating.

Instant Death - Kills targets with 100hp or less.

Meteor Shower - 6d6 damage to target.

10th Level

Killer Bees - Fortitude save each round or inflict doom. Bees do 2d6 damage per round.

Tornado - Massive windstorm. Does 2d6 damage to all targets.

Napalm - Rain napalm on target for 3d6 damage.

Lightning Storm - Deals 3d6 damage to target.

11th Level

12th Level

13th Level

14th Level

15th Level

16th Level

17th Level

18th Level

19th Level

20th Level

Mage’s Fury - Causes a storm of magical lighting, fire, and meteors, dealing 1d100 damage to all targets in combat.

Maelstrom Spells

1st level

Astral Travel - Teleport to mind anchors.

Bolt - Create a lighting bolt of 1d3 damage.

Control Light - Cause light to flare up in the area, only visible to character.

Control flame - Cause flame to die out.

Empty Mind - Gain +1 bonus on will saves for 1 day.

Constitution - Gain +2 health points.

2nd Level

Impulse - Impulse blast dealing 1d4 damage.

Mind Stun - Stun enemy for 2 rounds. Against will.

Share Pain - Force target dealing next damage to receive half themselves.

Inflict Agony - Cause 1d6 damage to target.

Strike Fear - Will save or all combatants become afraid.

3rd Level

Crystal Swarm - Deal 2d6 damage to target.

Mind Shield - +2 bonus to Armour Rating for 1 hour.

Sustenance - Survive an extra day without food.

Healing Thoughts - Calm the mind for 1d12 hit points of healing.

4th Level

5th Level

6th Level

Energy Blast - Deals 2d6 damage.

Dark Vision - See in darkness for 1 hour.

Mental Barrier - Gain +1 armour rating for 1 hour.

Thief’s Eye - See inside pockets.

7th Level

Read Aura - Tell character's alignment, or status effects.

Pain Self - Cause character to inflict damage to self next round.

Psychic reenergize - Reenergize a prepared spell.

Energy Wave - Deals 2d6 + 2 damage.

Project Warmth - Heal self or target for 1d12 Health Points.

8th Level

Iron Body - +2 bonus to Armour Rating for 1 hour.

Chameleon mind - +5 bonus to hide.

Mind Missile - Deals 3d6 damage to target.

Nightmare - Will save or all combatants become afraid.

9th Level

Crystalize Blood - Crystallize target’s blood against death save if level lower than 10. Deals death or 3d6 damage.

Psychic Vampire - Drain 2d20 intelligence for round against will. Causes death if intelligence is drained to 0 or lower.

Energy Missiles - Deals 3d6 damage to all present targets.

10th Level

Death Grip - Squeeze target's’ mind for 5d6 damage.

Mind Shatter - All targets in combat make will save or become broken.

Doom Crystal - d20 damage, will save or become doom affected.

Reapers Eye - Tear sanity from creature against sanity save.

11th Level

12th Level

13th Level

14th Level

15th Level

16th Level

17th Level

18th Level

19th Level

20th Level

Maelstrom's Rage- Deal 1d100 damage to target, other enemies take 1d20 damage.

Mind’s Eyes - See inside pockets, treasure chest, or behind locked door.

The psionic class has a lot of skills about seeing into minds and stuff, so could one of their spells reveal the map of the current area temporarily? What about the ability to determine information about enemies, like their exact hp, level, elemental weaknesses, etc? Higher level spells could see through time, giving the Player an indication of what move the enemy will likely use next, or just "see the future" which provides insight about the incoming attack and grants the character increased counter chance for a bit. Or a psychic scream which can be used on the map, and lowers the rate of enemy encounters.

Also, the results of rolling a d100 can be pretty volatile, but the average outcome will still be a lot higher (>2x) than any other speel you've listed. If the cost of such a spell is poorly balanced, it could make all the other damage spells not worth using.

An option that could help fill up the spell list is to give a class spells from the other, with a different name and a bit of re balancing. For example, the Mage gets the Linguist spell at a pretty low level. Maybe the Maelstrom could get a similar spell at a higher level, but with a bit of a downside bc languages aren't their jam. Like Secrets of the Progenitor: Read a scroll/wtv in a different language, but does a sanity check or something.

So the Player can still access some of those skills, even in they don't have the right party composition. Or being forced to make their Party a certain way because only one person has a skill (I hate this Thief so much, but no one else in the Party can unlock chests, so he's coming with me I guess).

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