I played an adventure with a paper-and-dice RPG, the setting was medieval, and our GM had this guy from the future show up, carrying a sniper rifle. He really blew the ever-living-s**t ou of everything he shot at. I really liked that aspect of the game, because we had to befriend this guy, who could fight ok, but found our swords too heavy to wield. It was a nice touch.
There''s no point to this post...
George D. Filiotis Are you in support of the ban of Dihydrogen Monoxide? You should be!
It does raise an interesting question as to why all RPGs have to have the fantasy setting. I know StoryRPGs are starting to mature (you can use your own words to describe the transition), however the whole fantasy thing still has a significant impact on how the gameplay will be.
:: Inmate2993 "Please refrain from bothering Booster."
[Edited by - Inmate2993 on March 28, 2007 6:08:37 PM]
quote:Original post by Inmate2993 It does raise an interesting question as to why all RPGs have to have the fantasy setting.
well, it boils down to two things: (1) the people developing the games want to make them this way. (2) the people buying the games like them. as far as hobby projects and whatnot go, i guess #2 isn''t important; whereas with professional developers #2 is more important. dude, make any game you want, nobody''s stopping you.
Well, yeah. Though, It might be a bit on the part of publishers not wanting to take the risk of selling an unproven change to a genre. But thats an entirely different argument altogether and belongs in a different forum.
:: Inmate2993 "Please refrain from bothering Booster."
[Edited by - Inmate2993 on March 28, 2007 6:01:58 PM]
I agree immensely I tired of medieval based rpgs. I dont tire of fantasy based rpgs though. I wouldnt mind seeing a game based in the old D&D Spelljammer universe or Dark Sun for that matter. I also dont understand why people dont access other cultures like medieval China which would make a hell of an rpg with all the martial arts and chi abilities one could add. You could make quite an impressive rpg dealing with Egypt, other parts of Africa. There was a game called Earthbound by Nintendo for the Super Nes that was contemporary, this was one of the greatest rpgs ive ever played, it was fun, fresh and new and it felt great to be playing an rpg that took place in my time period, I recommend everbody download this from an emulator, it can teach you alot about contemporary rpg design, as well as humor.
Other RPG types that could be used
Native American Mayan/Incan/Aztec Egyptian Chinese Mobland Chicago Goldrush California Industrial Revolution Vikings Christopher Columbus or other World Explorers Space Exploration Sea Exploration in the vein of Seaquest or the Abyss
Pen and Papers dying for videogame versions
Palladiumbooks has some of the greatest pen and papers screaming for videogame versions Rifts Nightbane Recon Robotech Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles After the Bomb
Movies that should have rpgs (remember rpgs dont have to be turn based, who says you cant make a fast paced rpg? with great action?)
The Matrix Starship Troopers (yes it can be done, use your imagination) Harry Potter Aliens Predator
Properties that would make fantastic MMORPGS if somebody took the time to do it
GI Joe Transformers Starship Troopers Pokemon Dragonball Z Gundam Mechwarrior Palladium books Rifts, Recon, Nightbane Robotech/Macross Shadowrun Any D&D book
i feel the reason that games using a fantasy/magic setting (Diablo 2 for example) are the most successful because players feel more powerful with them.
what i mean is, when you''re in a fantasy world, you try and become stronger by learning magic, learning new fighting techniques, better spells, getting more EXP, and such. the user feels somewhat impowered because their own character is getting stronger because of themselves.
but in a game where you''re in a super-advaned world set far in the future, you''re character''s strength relies soley on the technology. meaning, to get better, you need more advanced weaponry and gadgets. therefore, it feels like it doesnt require skill, just enough money to buy the best stuff.
what i love about FF7 is that its in very technological world, but the look and feel has a quaint medieval style to it (all the world''s villages, etc). so it feels almost as if you''re playing a fantasy game, and the technology is just a bonus.
i don''t know if i made sense with that..eh, oh well.
ive played tones of rpg''s and one i saw at a game store a while back took place in the cowboy days but with one strange twist, madscientist charicters. this brought in human inginuity and inteligence to construct what ever the charicter or gm could think of within limits(no FTL space travel) or at least anything that wouldn''t take away the whole western theme. either way it was a very interesting setting for a game
another was a game for super nes was shadowrun. im sure if you look hard enough you can find plenty of prgs with a cyberpunk/tech world setting
Haven''t any of you played Shadowrun for the SNES??? It''s one of the best RPGs EVER!!!! And it was futuristic!!
Yeah, the weapons are way better than a sword. But the armor is way better than a tin plate! So it balances out...
Just play it!
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