(SOLVED! No further resolution needed.)
I got a bounding box collision set up for two rectangles that are created through SFML's sf::RectangleShape. The moving rectangle is set to .move() speed of 1.0f. Example (x-direction):
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::D)) {
p1.rect.move(1.0f, 0);
Collision works perfectly. My question is about that float value, specifically:
1.0f makes my rectangle move superfast to the point of being uncontrollabe. However, if I reduce the .move() to, say 0.04f, I get a much more managable speed BUT the collision stops working:
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::D)) {
p1.rect.move(0.04f, 0);
Why, exactly does the collision stop working and what can I do to fix it? I'm assuming that the program is trying to look for real values that don't exist per update, because the float is too small? Collision code:
void update() {
bottom = rect.getPosition().y + rect.getSize().y;
left = rect.getPosition().x;
right = rect.getPosition().x + rect.getSize().x;
top = rect.getPosition().y;
bool collision(Player p) {
if (right < p.left || left > p.right ||
top > p.bottom || bottom < p.top) {
return false;
return true;
Thanks for any input.Here's the full program (note: code only, as I've setup SFML in a custom fashion according to another GameDev member's specifications, so you may not be able to run it).