Let's assume there are only 2 types of quests allowed (to avoid mudding the topic):
1) Bring an item.
2) Kill a monster.
The random generator for these would work more or less like that:
1) "Bring me [ITEM] from [LOCATION] and you will be rewarded."
2) "Go to [LOCATION] and slay [MONSTER]. You will be rewarded afterwards."
With these two you can make unlimited number of quests (kill a rat, kill a dragon, kill an ogre), you just replace ITEM/LOCATION/MONSTER with a word from a list.
But... as you see it's quite unthematic There is no flavour, no context, just dry mechanics.
Compare this with handmade quest (note the mechanic of quest is identical).
1) {You see a young woman, her eyes look as if she was crying a lot lately} "My husband, a knight of [KING'S_NAME] court went on a quest to kill a dragon. But it turned out the dragon was a female and he has fallen in love with the foul beast! Please, bring me a love potion from [LOCATION], it's the only thing that can save our love!"
2) {You see a young woman, she looks mad, very mad} "My husband, a knight of [KING'S_NAME] court went on a quest to kill a dragon. But the beast, which seems to be a female, used some black sorcery to make my darling fall in love with her! Can you imagine?! Outrageous. Pretty please, go to [LOCATION] and slay the foul beast and make sure it suffers. A lot! That's the only thing that can save my poor misguided husband."
No matter how poor my writing would be, it still would outbeat the random quest generator above Ideas how to make the quest generator better?