Here's my best photo of the night:
Here's one I took. It's interesting that we seem to have captured different stars, where did you take your image? (Mine's from Sweden)
Fun to try and calculate the angle and see if I can identify the stars at the edge of my image (this is cropped, didn't have enough zoom to fill the frame). Can see how the stars move between some of my images relative to the moon, but not that far.
EDIT: Actually think I solved the mystery, seems the 3 stars just to the right of the moon on your image are the same that are just to the left of the moon in mine.. our images are rotated like 60 degrees relative to each other. Reminds me of when I went to Dubai and saw for the first time that the crescent moon was horizontal there instead of standing vertical on the side as it looks here, though I don't know if in this case it's because of camera rotation or actual relative rotation of the moon from where we snapped our images.