
Need resources about movement, velocity, vectors...

Started by August 29, 2015 08:12 PM
4 comments, last by Infinisearch 9 years, 4 months ago

Hello, I just started programming a pong game (SFML), but I have trouble with understanding movement of the ball and paddle. I just wanted some good resources about those things that I could adapt in other games in the future too(basically about velocity and how to use it) or maybe i should just google it and read everything i can find, or maybe pick up a math book? Thank you in advance.

I found this article series helpful.


The Unity manual has some basic teaching on vectors here, most of which could probably be applied to SFML as well.


There's also a nice youtube channel with these (and more) topics, google for "youtube math for game developers" (or programming)

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Thank you all for answers you helped me more than you imagine!

I don't have a resource off-hand but the one piece of advice given to me that I found invaluable is "to always remember units". If you have a distance divided by time its velocity and so on and so forth. It made physics and engineering classes in college much easier, so it should help you out to.

-potential energy is easily made kinetic-

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