
turn based first person maze game on excel

Started by August 28, 2015 06:57 PM
-1 comments, last by bordeffect 9 years, 1 month ago

the game uses perspective and fragments the view into 2-possibility (empty or wall) images. for now there are 3 images for a one square sight in front of you.

for now i have a userform with 3 buttons, 90° turn left and right and move forward.

3 images on the userform show what is on your left (wall or empty space), in front of you and on your right.

but for now you can only see for one square in front of you

to add more sight i will have to add 3 images on the userform (where the middle image is now) so that i can show what is on the square 2 squares in front of you and on its left and right.

With 9 or 12 images it could be a decent beginning for a funny game.

Of course for a game that people would actually play it will need more, like lions, snakes, mumies, treasure ,food,medicine, items,traps, multiple levels and so on.

just like the old mac game "Scarab Of Ra"

one of my first programs on visual basic. the code is super ugly (copy paste, copy paste)

i will go on with it then, just wanted to share.

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