
What level mage are you?

Started by August 27, 2015 06:25 PM
14 comments, last by CulDeVu 9 years, 1 month ago
Inspired by this:

When I read this,

questions -> What are you doing?
answer -> Write magic

What I actually saw/read was,

questions -> What are you doing?
answer -> White magic

And my thoughts were,

questions -> He's a mage?
answer -> I'm in the wrong ****ing business.

questions -> He's a mage?

Close enough!

- Conjuring using arcane runes and words of power (programming languages): CHECK
- Altering time and space (implementing things however we see fit): CHECK
- Hard to explain what we are doing to non-mages: CHECK
- Frequent magical battles between the forces of good and evil (online hacking): CHECK

So what level mage are you?

As for me, Level 10 Druid

**If someone would like to provide a hierarchy of wizards, mages, magicians, warlocks, or witches, please do so smile.png
**Example: (Beginner) Magician, Conjurer, Summoner, Druid, Priest, Paladin, Warlock/Witch, Wizard, Sorcerer, Mage (Expert)

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


I'm a Level 27 C++ programancer. My Twitter bio (avatar photo way out of date) has had my mage level publicly listed for awhile. smile.png

My brother doesn't program, but he's a very talented mathmagician.


Level 3???3 Architect of mana

It seems like a Druid is a class, or a specialization: A Druid would be at one with nature (i.e. free open source software). Not sure what the others might represent.

I'm not sure what my main class would be, but I have Necromancer as a sub (specialization in reverse engineering).

It seems like a Druid is a class, or a specialization: A Druid would be at one with nature (i.e. free open source software). Not sure what the others might represent.

I'm not sure what my main class would be, but I have Necromancer as a sub (specialization in reverse engineering).

If we're going by D&D terms, druids and clerics are divine mages. Wizards are arcane mages. I don't quite remember how to classify sorcerers and warlocks, but I'd guess they'd be arcane, too. Necromancers are a prestige class of wizard.

Level -5 PHP grunt.


Level 15 Tinker

Level 11 Barbarian, I just bash things and use Rage to accomplish my goals!

Level 8 python, my special abilities are spamming and "fourie" (fury) transforms. What ra(n)ge can I transform you to? Over 79.085dB!

"I would try to find halo source code by bungie best fps engine ever created, u see why call of duty loses speed due to its detail." -- GettingNifty

I don't understand the levels unsure.png

Sod it, Level 20 (yearsActive * (successes/ failures)).

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