

Started by November 14, 2001 10:25 AM
10 comments, last by CoolX 23 years, 3 months ago
HELP! i get strange glaux errormessages when using some nehe tutorials with textures... can anyone plz send me the newest files or tell me what my problem is? I use Borland C++ Builder 5.0 and.... i am a n00b, so try to be fair ;o) thanks... CoolX
ah... i forgot to tell the errormessage...

[Linker Fehler] Unresolved external ''auxDIBImageLoadA'' referenced from C:\C++ OPENGL\P5YT3DX\MAINFORM.OBJ

i used the raw code from nehe, i used it in my modified code, i even tried it on a friends pc - with no effect....

HELP PLZ... :o(

It is telling you it can''t find that function.

So either write it, or link to the correct .lib.

hmmm... i linked the glaux.lib, and i have copied all functions (glLoadTexture()) requiered...
may it be possible that my glaux.lib is too old? i have borland c++ builder 5.0, and i''ve read from a glaux.lib that was made for nehe''s tutorial....

if someone has another lib, or something else, then plz send it to me:
icq: 95287023
Try creating the lib on your own. In your C++Builder\Bin directory there''s a program called implib. Run your command line ( and use implib like this:

implib glaux.lib c:\windows\system\glaux.dll

(or wherever your DLL is).

You should end up with a glaux.lib in your Bin directory that''s usable for this.
i did it as you said, but now i have another problem...
my glu32.dll causes an EAccessViolation when the following lines are compiled:


thats crazy... i have done all well, but there is no texturemapped font on the screen...
now i have decided to puplish my code - please have a look at it.
oh - and i know that 80% is copied from nehe...
glaux is buggy + has known memory leaks. the makers of glaux recommend that u use the glut library instead
I had the EXACT same problem with glaux. the thing is - glaux is not implibible (hehe). i found a nice site where i could download the Borland headers for glaux lib that make use of it. Unfortunately, as with most useful stuff, i forgot to make a note where.
Last week i literally blew up my old hard drive (just for the record - it WAS an accident) and smarter people sometimes figure out there might have been some loss of data , so whatever i have ever backed up of those files on disks or cd''s is pretty dim at this moment, but i''ll try to salvage anything i can since i really couldn''t fine the site myself anymore either.
anyway - if you fail as well - post another reply. i hope to get cable set up (finally...) next Wednesday, so i''ll get a better connection and more net-time and hopefully will be able to mail these files to you.

keep cool!

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