How to search for people for a Kickstarter game project
My name is Kristoffer Rekvik, i've been playing alot of voxel and survival games lately and i have been doing some research, sketching and wrote a doc on a new type of voxel game using either Unity or Unreal Engine.
I have it all written down on paper, how the game should look, feel and play, all i need now is a small to medium team to get it started.
Im planning to make a "kickstarter" but first i want to know for sure that i have team to develop this game with me befor i start the "kickstarter".
I'm gonna give a little info on the basics of the game so you can get the feel of it.
[unnecessary information deleted by moderator]
I have a guy sketching out gameplay, weapons and ingame materials as we speak.
i hope this is of interest and cant wait to get started.
PS: Sorry for any spelling errors!
Recruitment posts are not permitted in any of our discussion boards, so I changed it to a thread looking for advice on how to recruit. That is permitted here. Less clear is whether this should be in Business or Production. Since you haven't started production yet, and are gearing up for crowdfunding, I'm leaving it in Business.
I will post a reply, with advice on recruiting, shortly.
-- Tom Sloper --
1. My name is Kristoffer Rekvik, i've been playing alot of voxel and survival games lately and i have been doing some research, sketching and wrote a doc on a new type of voxel game using either Unity or Unreal Engine.
I have it all written down on paper, how the game should look, feel and play, all i need now is a small to medium team to get it started.
2. Im planning to make a "kickstarter" but first i want to know for sure that i have team to develop this game with me befor i start the "kickstarter".
3. I'm gonna give a little info on the basics of the game so you can get the feel of it.
4. I have a guy sketching out gameplay, weapons and ingame materials as we speak.
1. So in other words, you've written a game design document (a GDD). A GDD doesn't need to specify an engine. And the choice of engine should probably be up to your technical lead, when you have one on your project.
2. Well, yes, the Kickstarter investors will want to see a team before they invest. But team members will probably want to see that you have money before they commit. It's a chicken and egg conundrum you need to figure out. You didn't say what else you're bringing to the project besides a game concept and a plan to get money through Kickstarter. How much game industry experience do you have, and do you have a business plan? Prospective team members and prospective Kickstarter investors will want to know.
3. I deleted the info on the game concept because while that's all well and good for recruiting, it's unnecessary for giving you advice on how to recruit. Someone reported your recruiting thread to the moderators; I decided that rather than delete your post and give you a warning for ignoring posting guidelines, I would change your thread and give you advice.
4. Okay, you have an artist on board. Good for you. Prospective team members and investors will all want to see concept art.
As for the question, how to recruit a team, I suggest you read these:
Starting Your Own Company:
Ideas But No Money:
And then when you want to recruit, use our Classifieds section (not our discussion boards).
Good luck!
-- Tom Sloper --