
Looking for Some Sidescroller Engine Feedback

Started by August 21, 2015 08:53 PM
-1 comments, last by muckluck 9 years, 4 months ago

Hello all,

Not sure if this is the right spot for this thread, but since I'm a beginner, I figured it would be appropriate.

This is my first thread on GameDev, I'm excited to get involved! As part of a school project for the summer, I programmed a 2D sidescroller engine and tile map editor. One of the requirements is that I get some feedback on my work, and apparently forums can satisfy that requirement.

Over the last year I learned the basics of C++ and SDL2, and wanted to try my hand at game programming. Since this was my first attempt at game programming, I tried to keep it as simple as possible (I really just made a Megaman rip off without music). I also wanted to try figuring out as many problems as possible on my own instead of consulting books or forums. It was a good learning experience, but I suppose I could have saved some time by talking to the pros.

Anyway, I'm asking you guys for some feedback on the logic behind this engine. Tell me if I got stuff right, if I got stuff wrong, if there's improvements I could make, anything. If anyone wants to see the source code, we could make that happen somehow.

I'm including a word doc that summarizes what's going on with the engine. I tried to keep it as brief as possible, but feel free to ask more questions. If you think I left something out that should be explained, let me know!

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