
Food for aliens

Started by August 17, 2015 06:25 PM
15 comments, last by Acharis 9 years, 6 months ago

The player controls the Terran empire. He conquers alien world. It's an industrial world. The alien pop on the newly conquered planet needs to be fed (there is no genocide option in the game). Terran population rebels because there is not enough food for them.

How to solve this? It results in conquering planets having ugly consequences in some cases. Note the genocide is NOT an option also population is not annihilated upon conquest (they slowly migrate back to planets controlled by their original race - if such race still controls some planets).

I was thinking of making different food types (the player's population eat different food than aliens therefore the starvation mechanics use different resources)... That's the only solution I could think of right now.

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

Wouldnt the alien planet already be self sufficient WRT food when you conquer it? (how else could it still exist) Maybe some was destroyed in the fight but probably some of the population died as well to balance it out.


Or is there special planets for food production and this particular one doesnt produce any?

Maybe the alien race still sends weapons food aid for them even though you conquered the planet (its still their people there)


Not trying to troll you here. If the two factions have different food types. Then why is there not enough that o go around?

You might want to recheck the logic here

An alien race would eat what grows and exists on their planet.

If you eat another alien races food without research who knows what might happen?...


You can't feed them your supplies and they can't eat yours, without significant research in biochemistry first.

There should be plenty left for the conquered race to eat though because of this that you can't touch...

Perhaps you should account for this in game?

Wouldnt the alien planet already be self sufficient WRT food when you conquer it? (how else could it still exist) Maybe some was destroyed in the fight but probably some of the population died as well to balance it out.

That planet belonged to another empire, it got food transported from their farming planets. Upon conquest the food transfer obviously ceased.

Maybe the alien race still sends weapons food aid for them even though you conquered the planet (its still their people there)
Yes... That one would solve things... Althrough it has some "lore" problems (them sending the food and you utilizing the alien pop as second class workers), also what if the alien empire is fully conquered?

Similarly, what with your (Terrran) population on planets conquered by aliens?

An alien race would eat what grows and exists on their planet.
What about lava planets? Ice planets? Barren planets? These are not self sufficient.

Not trying to troll you here. If the two factions have different food types. Then why is there not enough that o go around?
The different food types was an example of a solution. But it's not perfect so I'm looking for various ideas.

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

Wouldnt the alien planet already be self sufficient WRT food when you conquer it? (how else could it still exist) Maybe some was destroyed in the fight but probably some of the population died as well to balance it out.
That planet belonged to another empire, it got food transported from their farming planets. Upon conquest the food transfer obviously ceased.

Perhaps you could grow the food on planets you already control that have the right conditions to grow said foodstuffs? It could make for an interesting dynamic if you had to plan for resources and transporting them ahead of time to be in a position to supply your newly conquered planet with supplies. Alternatively, you could also invade appropriate farming planets prior to invasion depending on how aggressive you are.

EDIT: This could also create interesting game play when balancing the resources you're creating for different races when making decisions over expanding your Empire.

EDIT 2: Another potential idea can also be that if you have any allies with appropriate food supplies you can strike trade agreements for that planet to be supplied until you've set up your own system.


I agree that the planet will have food, yet if we look at human history we will see that after a time of war most deaths to the local population was because of starving, or illness caused by starvation.

Even if there has been no real large scale war between developed countries recently so we could see the effects, we can speculate that most able people will be helping with the war and this will slow down production. Even when most people know food comes from farms very few of them know the locations of the farms, or how to farm.

Also during world war 2 most countries suffered large resource scarcities, it's safe to say that after a planet is conquered it will undergo a recovery stage.

The thing about food is how it's processed, when food is considered bad for a animal it means that the animals digestive system can't break it down into fuel. A combination of acids and digestive enzyme allow food to be broken into the needed chemical fuels.

All combos of acids and enzymes can break down some basic elements even if some are slow at it, so a all purpose food can be made that all animals and even plants can consume for fuel.

At the moment the human race has gone in the opposite direction, we make ideal food for cats and dogs that works better with there digestive system, this in turn makes it harder to consume by other animals.

So your military or what ever organization monitors them, will have some kind of Food-X to help with refuge relief efforts.

However for people the ideal survival food would be potato mash, milk and a small amount of butter or margarine. Eating some thing like this for a long time will be unpleasant. Also in real relief efforts grain is used instead, it has a wider variety of uses.

To avoid players saying Food-X isn't realistic you can be vague about it, use some thing like "Made by scientist to help alien refugees, during times of war." for flavor text.

You could also let the player choose between importing from other alien planets for a high prices, or using Food-X but it negatively effects war propaganda.

Waterlimon, on 17 Aug 2015 - 12:27 PM, said:

Wouldnt the alien planet already be self sufficient WRT food when you conquer it? (how else could it still exist) Maybe some was destroyed in the fight but probably some of the population died as well to balance it out.

That planet belonged to another empire, it got food transported from their farming planets. Upon conquest the food transfer obviously ceased.

What if it's just seen as a strategic matter? If you hope to conquer an alien race you had better start with their farming planets otherwise expect to never be able to hold onto anything else for long.

The player controls the Terran empire. He conquers alien world. It's an industrial world. The alien pop[ulation] on the newly conquered planet needs to be fed (there is no genocide option in the game). Terran population rebels because there is not enough food for them.

How to solve this? It results in conquering planets having ugly consequences in some cases.

The question is not clear. Conquering populated planets WOULD have ugly consequences, in all cases. It's the player's problem, is it not? I assume the player has to do planning including logistics prior to attacking. I assume the game includes economic and political simulation handling. I assume the player opens the conquered world to colonization by earthlings. I assume the game includes Civilization-style civilization-building simulation. If I assume too much, it's because the question does not provide enough information. Also, if you aren't getting the answers you need here, consider that our human race has not figured this question out yet. [Edit:] in other words, "how to conquer and subjugate a population without having any ugly consequences?"

What is the problem you want us to solve? Why not just have enough food? Or is there a conflict you want to have in the game but you're not sure what it ought to be? If not enough food is the conflict that you want to have, then is your question how to "solve" it, or how to "resolve" it? What's the goal of the game? Maybe the terrans join forces with the natives to rebel against the empire. Maybe the natives take advantage of the internecine terran rebellion and take their planet back. Maybe the natives establish alliances with the natives of other conquered planets. Really can't tell what you're looking for with this thread.

-- Tom Sloper --

The player controls the Terran empire. He conquers alien world. It's an industrial world. The alien pop on the newly conquered planet needs to be fed (there is no genocide option in the game). Terran population rebels because there is not enough food for them.

How to solve this? It results in conquering planets having ugly consequences in some cases. Note the genocide is NOT an option also population is not annihilated upon conquest (they slowly migrate back to planets controlled by their original race - if such race still controls some planets).

I was thinking of making different food types (the player's population eat different food than aliens therefore the starvation mechanics use different resources)... That's the only solution I could think of right now.

So "food" is like resource to keep things alive. I think a stellar empire could have commercial routes to solve this. So there are many kind of food, and lot of merchants guilds to supply them. The emperor needs to set and keep these routes/trade pacts, and there will be enough food for everyone. No micromanagement, right? No planet-level issues.

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