In this 4X game the focus is on high level Emperor things, you don't build stuff on planets manually (and you control like 200 of these planets), everything (rare exceptions) is built automatically based on your high level orders (edicts, setting specialization of planet, etc) and the type of planet (a desert planet would not attempt to upgrade agriculture). So, the player controls all this indirectly.
Important assumptions of this topic:
- civilian infrstructure only (ignore military, it's handled separately by a different subsystem)
- it's a "hands off" system, note the player has no direct way to tell "built me X next"
- no "regions" or "groups of planets" please, it siomply does not fit the rest of the game
- there should be some sort of soft/hard cap/dimishing result (a planet can "produce" effectively a number of "things", so you need more than one planet, or at least make it so if the population & infrastructure was spread between several planets their overal output would be higher than if all these were on one planet)
How to make this abstract planetary system? One that takes into account agriculture, industry, mining, administrative, services, etc sectors, the population (workers), size of the planet (can't build 1,000,000 industry on one planet). One where you have a rich economy, makes you want to have many planets and you see naturally specializing planets.
Example solutions/thoughts:
I have a feeling a best system here might be an abstract "level of development of [SECTOR HERE]". Or maybe something more detailed like made of 2 variables: the number of "buildings" and the "tech level". Like you have 20 factories and thier average tech level is 3, these require 1000 workers (if less still works but with a penalty) and produce Y stuff.
Next there should be some "increased cost of erecting new infrstructure" based on the number of infrastructure that already exists (agriculture+industry+mining sectors).
I don't know... Help me sort this out :)