I recently updated Visual Studio and i got an error while trying to compile Direct3D11 App based on Frank Luna's Book (Introduction to 3D Game Programmig with DirectX11) which DxTrace was used in it.
Error :
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __vsnwprintf referenced in function "long __stdcall StringVPrintfWorkerW(unsigned short *,unsigned int,unsigned int *,unsigned short const *,char *)" (?StringVPrintfWorkerW@@YGJPAGIPAIPBGPAD@Z) DirectXApp D:\Projects\DirectX\DirectXTest\DirectXAppTest\DirectXApp\dxerr.lib(dxerrw.obj) 1
I finally found out that when i compile it using Visual Studio 2013 compiler it works!
What is the main reason that i didn't compile using Visual Studio 2015 compiler ? and how can i make it work?
This link was helpful : Linker error compiling DX10 program in Visual Studio 2015