Hello, I have been looking for an active, friendly forum group, who could help me with some issues I am currently facing, in regards designing both a game design document and even help build up an idea for images, or mood board for an art bible.
I have some ideas on some game mechanics and features that I will add to my desired game, but they are limited… What I'm after is some features to help make the game memorable.
I am after mechanics or ideas that not only get the player thinking, but to create the unwanted feeling that something is ether just around the corner and they need to get the task done so that they can get out of the area as fast as they can. I'm not after scenes or moments where something chases you, I am more after tasks that ether gets the player to collect certain key items to create an item to advance, to activate machines or events and even moments in the game where the player interacts with the world environment (such as climbing or avoiding debris while in a dilapidated building).
I can’t seem to fill out my design document with the required details to help portray the feel of the game to those who read it.
I have reviewed some horror games already (both Indie and AAA) to help get some inspiration and a few games have helped, however, I feel help from forums might help with my issue.
Kind Regards to those who review my topic and wish to help.
PS: I do hope I placed this request in the correct forum topic (I don’t use forums often).