
A 3D game engine for mobiles/ typical laptops?

Started by August 03, 2015 06:58 AM
3 comments, last by jeskeca 9 years, 4 months ago

I really want to make a video game but there are soo many software options available that I don't know what to choose. I want an engine that is fast, does not rely on big ides, has sellable graphics and an editor with basic terrain or a csg system for easy prototyping.

Source (HL2-based games) or IW engine (CoD games), older versions of that run well on laptops. Those are pretty much your only options apart from writing your own. You could also try going the same way - licensing one of the Quake engines and upgrading it manually.

As for mobile support, I don't think there's any such engine available yet. Unity is basically your only chance to get something done quickly in that area.

I understand why you don't like being dependent on big IDEs but are you really in a position to choose?


When you mean you don't like big IDE's you would rather use emacs or something of that nature? :)

The Unity development environment runs fine on laptops (I run it on a couple-of-years-out-of-date MacBook Pro), and the resulting games will run on laptops and mobile devices, though you may have to make some graphical sacrifices to target low-end hardware.

The 'IDE' argument is largely a red-herring. You can use Unity with a text editor, should you like, and only briefly duck into the editing environment to hook things together.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

Unity is the only reasonabke answer to this question.

In addition to all the little known games using it, take a look at Blizzard's hearthstone. It runs well on ios, android, pc, and mac.

Picking Unity is an easy choice. Building a game is hard. Focus on that.

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