I'm working on a Dual Stick Shooter where you fly around and shoot stuff in every direction. While checking out other dual stick shooters, I've noticed some common differences between ones where you fly and ones where you walk. Of course, shooters on foot are more likely to have rooms and walls than games where you fly in air or space. They also seem to have more exploration, where flying includes constant scrolling or a fixed space. Shooters on foot seem more likely to have health bars where you soak up damage compared to flying games, which more often kill you in one hit and require you to dodge attacks.
There are exceptions of course. Nuclear throne gives you health, but still requires you to dodge bullets. I mentioned this topic idea in the chat room and Khatharr pointed out the upcoming Galak-z where you fly inside asteroids.
Overall, what do you think of these themes and game mechanics for a dual stick shooter? Is there something in these games that you especially like or dislike?