In a game I am developing in UE4 (3D) we want to include modding support including custom character customization. We have Python embedded and are planning on using it for modding. The issue have currently is how to properly structure modded resources such as hair or clothes.
An option we thought of using would be to allow for the models to have custom bone structures to allow for vastly different content. We have looked at something like The Sims and Skyrim for inspiration, the problem being that one supplies the model and a program binds code to the model - which requires a standard set of bones to exist. We want to try and avoid that but still want to supply the ease of use a tool to generate "boilerplate" code for items and create a sanitized version compatible with the game.
The way we have thought it out would be like this:
1. User creates model
2. User passes model to program
3. Program tries to make sense of model
4. Program generates basic python code and sanitized model(Has references to all model's bones and basic usage functions)
5. User edits python code (program can be skipped by users who understand the generated content)
This way it would allow for advanced users to do things like custom animation and shapes but still allow for novice users to create content. Is this a good way of handling this type of content? And will it be efficient enough to be used since each customization item would have a script attached (could potentially allow for reusing scripts with multiple models)?