I have a question regarding content and the process of building an audience. Among the many marketing resources that I've come across, I noticed a few recurring themes (related to Twitter posts and updates). In short, many stated that you have to post at least 5 or more times a day to engage your followers or they will stop following you.
Missed this the first time around. I saw that same advice when I started running GDNet's social media, and tried it out; the response was terrible, most likely because it was somewhat obvious that I was really struggling to find real content for those updates, and generated more negative feedback than anything. Your mileage may vary and I would encourage you to try different approaches to see what works for you, but for me we got a much better response once I stopped trying to push out a minimum number of updates and instead concentrated on trying to push out the sort of updates people really want to see, whenever there was something available. For me that's normally still a minimum of 1 post per day, and sometimes up to 10 posts on a busy day, but occasionally nothing for a couple of days in a row; if I don't have content that's genuinely likely to be interesting I've found I get better results from simply posting nothing than I do from pushing out some sort of update just for the sake of it.
We've also received a lot of great feedback about keeping the accounts "human"; responding to things with an actual opinion rather than just PR talk, posting things as we find them rather than setting up an automated feed, just leaving up the occasional mistake with an apology and correction in the comments rather than trying to make everything perfect.