Having a delay upon ordering the mod to it actually being installed seems like a surefire way to make the Player not change them all the time, but if you're opposed to that then there are probably other ways. Here are some suggestions:
- Instead of a period of delay upon installation, there could be a period of adjustment, where the fleet suffers combat penalties for a few battles/turns where they get acclimated to the new gear.
- Or, if there are too many adjustments in a short time period, the fleet could get disgruntled or something?
- Make it so that after installation, a mod cannot be uninstalled for like 3-4 turns or so. The Player would have to consider the effects of the mod over a longer period of time.
- Alternatively, after the uninstallation of a mod, make that mod unavailable for installation (in any slot) in that fleet for N turns, because the hardware needs to be "resupplied".
- Some mods could only last N turns/battles, and then supplies run out and it cannot be used again until resupplied (there's a cooldown)