Im a game designer, but who worked profesionally mainly as a graphics designer, we are putting together a team and will be working on our game.
We will of course hire some sound designer, but i want the ability and flexibility to record sounds for our game also bymyself.
Our game takes place in the real mostly realistic world so i do not need any "exotic" sounds like aliens or something "abstract", just quite normal sounds...
Not all of them can be found online (not the specific type i want, i dont want to pay so much for it, its not in a good quality etc.) and as i said i would like to record time to time some sounds for our game myself. The biggest amount of our sounds will be of course dealth with with our musician/sound designer.
I have one simple question- What microphone would you recomend me for recording? Im quite noobish in all audio stuff/world so i dont have a clue.
I will be recording dont outdoor and indoor, i need the microphone to be mobile of course, I DO NOT want anything expensive since theres no reason for that, the upper limit is probably 120 USD, but the cheaper the better, i believe i should be able to get something useable even for around 20 USD??
Please recomned something for me special (cheap) needs.
thank you