
Microphone for sound recording for a gamedesigner...?

Started by July 27, 2015 01:20 PM
5 comments, last by CCH Audio 9 years, 5 months ago


Im a game designer, but who worked profesionally mainly as a graphics designer, we are putting together a team and will be working on our game.

We will of course hire some sound designer, but i want the ability and flexibility to record sounds for our game also bymyself.

Our game takes place in the real mostly realistic world so i do not need any "exotic" sounds like aliens or something "abstract", just quite normal sounds...

Not all of them can be found online (not the specific type i want, i dont want to pay so much for it, its not in a good quality etc.) and as i said i would like to record time to time some sounds for our game myself. The biggest amount of our sounds will be of course dealth with with our musician/sound designer.

I have one simple question- What microphone would you recomend me for recording? Im quite noobish in all audio stuff/world so i dont have a clue.

I will be recording dont outdoor and indoor, i need the microphone to be mobile of course, I DO NOT want anything expensive since theres no reason for that, the upper limit is probably 120 USD, but the cheaper the better, i believe i should be able to get something useable even for around 20 USD??

Please recomned something for me special (cheap) needs.

thank you

Also how to record stereo sound? Does all the micprohones record stereo sounds these days automaticaly? or do i need 2 micprohones to record stereo sound? (asi i said im noobie in audio world)


Yamaha and Tascam make portable recorders in that price range ($100-$150). Most portable recorders record in a stereo XY pattern,

However if you are trying to record sound effects with something like that I don't think it's very feasible. You have to be able to record those effects very cleanly. If you can hear the room, ambient sounds, or other stray noises they're going to become very prevalent very quickly in a game as the effects usually play many times during the course of a game. There's also all the editing you'll have to do in terms of EQ, levels, and noise reduction. This is one of those ideas that sounds simple but is actually very complicated. You'll be better off hiring someone unless you're ready to spend a lot of time and more money learning to record foley.

going to staunchy and respectfully disagree with that :) as i honour no profession nor protect their interests..

electret mics are extremely inexpensive and have excellent "detail" - it's not the price of the gear, it's what you know about it... "realistic"/radio shack used to make stereo electrets for a few $ - if you check to make sure there's no ground loop/buzz (easy with battery power) you can create excellent foley with them.. mics have different characteristics and may take some post to get them to sit (low pass for less brightness/presence, a bit of compression to limit dynamic range) as one "scene".

for mono i use an oktava mk12 for general stuff.. classic, probably under $100 nowadays. but shures will sound about the same really. minor details. as long as the mic doesn't hum..

experience is certainly an asset, but i encourage a "can do" attitude..... at the end of the 90s chinese factories (eg. for behringer) started building copies of expensive mics and the market got shook up.. nowadays, you don't have to spend a lot for clear audio... but you still have to pay attention.........

eg. a pop screen for plosives or similar really is trivial to construct with any porous material (i use shadecloth, big holes, still stops plosives).

neither a follower nor a leader be

thanks, but could you post some link directly to some shops for this equipment?

Also i assume, these mics or better word would be recorders have their own memory card slot and battery?

What would also be the correct term to search (english is not my native language)

Portable Digital Audio Recorder ?

i believe this is the type of device that im looking for:

Hows the built-in mics in these? Are they ok or do i need some additional?

for mono i use an oktava mk12 for general stuff.

An Oktava MK12 is about $200 used, a matched pair would be more like $500-$600, it's a nice mic but not the best for mic for foley especially for the price.


What would also be the correct term to search (english is not my native language)

Portable Digital Audio Recorder is correct.

Here's an example of something in your price range

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