
Missions in ww2 naval/pirate game?

Started by July 23, 2015 02:57 PM
8 comments, last by Unduli 9 years, 7 months ago


Im doing a open-world post-ww2 game similar to sid meiers Pirates! You upgrade your ships and sinke enemies in a large world, pirating goods and trading.

There is 4 factions (Great Britain, Germany, USA, Japan) that you can do missions for to increase standing and have excess to better ships. Any ideas of mission objectives you can do in such a game?

My ideas so far:

1. Sink X tons of merchant shipping for our enemy team Y.

2. Sink X tons/points of warships for our enemy team Y.

3. Deliver VIP (cargo) or convoy of ships safely to port X.

4. Bring X of goods Y to port Z (steal or buy the goods)

5. Patrol location X for Y days and intercept any hostiles there

6. Plunder X resources from port Y

7. Plunder X resources from our enemy Y.

8. Take port X currently held by our enemy.

Any input on this?
Thanks a lot


Perhaps reconnaissance missions of some sort? Perhaps the player is tasked with locating a top-secret ship, or a hidden base; or is required to scout out an enemy facility or fleet without being engaged.


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan


Defend Port X from attacker Y?

Sink a specific warship (ex:The Yamato, the Bismark, etc). This could be multipart if they have to search several ports for clues.

Sink X ships of a specific type (sink 3 submarines), either of a given faction or all enemy factions.

Do you have any capture mechanics? That could lead to Capture X ships, capture X ships of Type Y, capture specific Ship X.

Take and Hold Port X for Y days.

Take down a specific fleet?

Clear an area of mines (This could just be defend mine clearing ships from attack)

Lay mines in an area (ditto, but mine laying ships)

Blockade port X for Y days.

Bypass a blockade

Some sort of stealth mission, perhaps attack something that has large patrols around it. A mission that is attack a port or deliver/escort, but with a warning that the enemy has large fleets patrolling the area and that engaging the enemy isn't necessary for victory. It gives the player the choice of being stealthy, or if they want to go macho, they can try engaging the enemy fleets.

books, movies, and documentaries about naval activities in ww2 will be an excellent source of ideas for types of missions.

it'll also give you an idea of how things were really done, and thus which types of missions would make sense, and which might not.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


Oh that reminds me, fleets would often have to support a ground invasion, so bombard an area. Though that could be pretty boring for the fleet, unless maybe the island/area had incoming planes to defend against.

That said, what I think the OP is trying to do isn't exactly straight-up WWII, but more of a mish-mash of alternate history. Taking the Pirates!/ 1600's time period of pirate fleets, but using WWII era ships instead. I'm guessing something similar to Sea of Venus, minus the sci-fi nature of the fleets.

It's funny, because I've thought about doing something similar but with WWII tanks/ground forces.

Maybe some larger-scale goals, like: Pirate X, Y, and Z building materials, delivering them to Island A, then defend Island A for N days while a new base is built from the materials?

Or a somewhat unrelated but interesting job like: A giant shark/killer whale/alligator keeps eating sailors around Island B, go hunt it.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.


Oh, like perhaps, "Solve the mystery of why ships are disappearing around area X" The player could then either follow some convoys going through the area, or patrol/explore the area to find out whether it's due to some crazy environmental factor, a hidden pirate base, a prototype submarine or a rogue fleet, etc. Basically a mission with a little bit more open-endedness on how it could be completed, with a slight mystery as to what the opponent actually is.

And for a different take, how about some non-violent missions. Keep protesters away from whaling ships, which is more about moving your ships in blocking positions and/or firing warning shots without causing a head to head ram, and without firing directly on them. (or keep them away from an Oil Rig)

Oh, and how about some Search and Rescue. (In a way this is just patrol, avoid/fight enemies, find cargo in the water, return cargo)

Cool ideas guys! Keep em coming if you have more.


  • Rescue Leonardo Di Caprio before Kate Winslet makes him frozen to death
  • Salvage Kryptonite from wreckage at location X , do it before enemy ships and by fighting against survivors from wreckage
  • Drop mine / Clear mine (if such mechanic exists)
  • Capture an enemy ship , go behind enemy lines with that ship, wreak havoc then return
  • Go from X to Y undetected
  • Go from X to Y detected so other convoy can safely pass while you make diversion

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