Im doing a open-world post-ww2 game similar to sid meiers Pirates! You upgrade your ships and sinke enemies in a large world, pirating goods and trading.
There is 4 factions (Great Britain, Germany, USA, Japan) that you can do missions for to increase standing and have excess to better ships. Any ideas of mission objectives you can do in such a game?
My ideas so far:
1. Sink X tons of merchant shipping for our enemy team Y.
2. Sink X tons/points of warships for our enemy team Y.
3. Deliver VIP (cargo) or convoy of ships safely to port X.
4. Bring X of goods Y to port Z (steal or buy the goods)
5. Patrol location X for Y days and intercept any hostiles there
6. Plunder X resources from port Y
7. Plunder X resources from our enemy Y.
8. Take port X currently held by our enemy.
Any input on this?
Thanks a lot