Are you a game developer? Have you broken into the industry? There are so many people who are working hard to get into the industry, but so far have no had any luck. What have you done to break into the industry?
Think back about the minute details that got you into the biz. Did you go to college? Did you learn how to do it on your own? Did you have a friend or acquaintance that helped you get the job? Did you have any connection with the company you worked for? Did you have a portfolio? Resume? When did you get the job? How long had/have you worked there?
Also, if that first industry job is not the job you have now, what did it take for you to get the job you have now? Why did you leave? How long did you work at your first job, how many jobs in between, etc. Did you make a connection with the company you're at now before you applied? What did you do differently to get the job you have now, of applicable? Try to be as specific as possible.
[Edited to add my own personal information]
Personally, I am an indie game developer and entrepreneur. I enjoy programming mainly, and creating new game concepts and building them. I went to college for computer science and have a bachelor's degree. I personally have never worked for another gaming company, but it was in part because when I tried to get a job for game companies when I was younger, I didn't have any professional experience.
I had only hacked together many small projects and they were often scattered. I had no organizational skills and didn't document anything. The way I was developing projects was also by learning at the same time so I could provide the businesses with no real timeline. There was no one to vouch whether or not I made the projects entirely by myself. Most of these projects I speak of are small game engines with basic network accessibility.
I had a long history of being rejected as a game developer because of their inability to know how I would respond in a team environment, lack of references, and lack of job experience. Not to mention, I finished college after developing these projects on my own and looking for these jobs.
I had the skill to complete tasks as a programmer for a game development company, but there was absolutely no way to verify this at all. For all these businesses knew that I was applying to, "I am just someone off the street trying to find a job and might know absolutely nothing." This is also in part due to my LACK OF RESUME and PORTFOLIO.
Since I had developed games as a young age, but I didn't fit the part of a professional developer, I never had success at getting a job. I just started my own business, which is fine. Now I am wondering what could I have done differently, or what can I do in the future to secure a job at a game development company.