Hello! This is my very first post on this site so I am very excited to be on.
I am currently a freshman in community college and my plan is to transfer to the University of California Irvine by 2017.
I want to transfer into their Computer Game Science program, but they also offer a Computer Science program. Both of these are Bachelor of Science degrees and have the exact same transfer requirements from my community college. I have already taken two programming class (C++ and Java), and I absolutely love doing programming.
What I want to ask is
Which of these bachelor degrees from UC Irvine would help me more in terms of becoming a Game Programming and trying to find a job?
Is it worth getting an associates in Computer Programming while I'm in community college, and would it do anything for me in getting a job?
I understand the that finding a job as a game programmer is a very competitive, and also a demanding job. But I am very passionate in my goal and am willing to put the effort and time into achieving goal.