
HELP! I need some answers!

Started by July 11, 2015 02:42 PM
0 comments, last by JohnnyCode 9 years, 3 months ago
I'm currently a taking a business course on game development and one of our jobs is to go out and get answers from people who have actually had experience in the field. So if you've ever designed a game, please take some time to answer these three questions.

1) How is your usual experience with the process of program development?
2) What are some problems that commonly arise during development?
3) If there was something you could have to help make development an easier process, what would it be?

Thank you!

1.) (professional) Without a good creative director/production manager even a very competent team will fail providing an avaregely playable title. (indie) Team of teen kids gets hit by reality or too young hobbiests will fall on I-did-most policy argumenting.

2.) art assets providing inability, wastefull decisions (you've no work, make me LOD of all those models), programming spooky traps (milestone delays)

3) incorporate viable production techniques (does not matter wheather you target quantity or quality)

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