Hey everyone!
We finally finished our first teaser trailer for "Atomic Butcher: Homo Metabolicus" (AB:HM for short ;))
AB:HM is a deranged, fast-paced, ridiculously gory, post-apocalyptic retro 2D platformer/shooter with 360° aiming. It will be released for PC/Mac/Linux end of 2015.
The game is also a sequel to a little freeware title we made many moons past in 2004, the original "Atomic Butcher"
(see, for example, here)
Development is currently in pre-alpha stage, release is planned for early 2016.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/atomic_butcher
And now, some pics:
We are happy to hear any sort of feedback, thoughts, praises or expressions of your utter disdain for what we are doing here from your side ;)
David & Roland of