

Started by July 05, 2015 02:25 PM
10 comments, last by jpetrie 9 years, 3 months ago

You were banned for using racial slurs. I've reinstated the ban as it was lifted incorrectly. You have been verbally warned in the past about your behavior, and have not changed much since.

So I was talking/having humour with guys I know (IYP) and you banned me for that? Even if you did so, what's the point of banning me again? I just asked you why did you gave me warning points and you banned me again? Believe me or not but what you're doing is not at all fair. Maybe you hate me and that's why you just need any %1 chance to ban me?

The "point" of your ban is that your conduct is not appropriate for the site. The chat is not a clubhouse where "you and your friends" get to hang out and engage in conversation that is otherwise inappropriate.

I think this thread has served it's purpose, I'm closing it now.

This topic is closed to new replies.
