
Why is controller support so bad for pc games?

Started by July 04, 2015 07:43 PM
1 comment, last by Stani R 9 years, 3 months ago
I play a lot of roguelike and rpg games on Steam and, while many of the games I play support game pads, I found that the experience is generally poor. If a game advertises full-controller support, I would expect to at least be able to use a controller to control both the game menu and the actual game; I don't wan't to be forced to change to a keyboard and a mouse to change graphics settings or increase the volume. I also like to have a visual representation of the mapping between the controller keys and the game actions. Finally the the ability to reconfigure the control mappings and not loose my settings any time the game restarts makes a great difference. Why do you think controller support is so poor for pc games? What would you need as a developer to create games that fully support controllers?

This might be due to the fact that the Input was designed for a keyboard instead of a game pad. If there was a standard input that everyone used on everything then it would be used. For example. Smart phones have touch screen support instead of keyboard support (even though some smart phones have keyboards). Sorry if that did not make sense :)


Is it so poor that it's worth making double posts about?

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