
Pre-psuedo game design

Started by July 01, 2015 05:18 PM
1 comment, last by jbadams 9 years, 3 months ago

The problem is that there is no actual pseudo code in there... I just have some blank scripts that will work if they are written correctly. Meaning if they weren't blank and there was an engine with syntax that matched the pseudo code(which isn't there yet{the pseudo code isn't there})... then the game would work.

The players pick up items which increase their strength and thus make them do more damage. There is also a script to check if certain items are required to use certain abilities. The players level up and unlock new abilities which are basically just projectiles. The players will put the abilities on their action bar. So say the player unlocks a new ability and puts it on the action bar... the player then clicks on the action button(which is part of the action bar) and it spawns a projectile which shoots out via a transform function. Then if a character is hit by this projectile there is a collision function to declare damage to the player the projectile hit. The players lose health based on the projectile/collision damage via the health script. The players die when their health reaches zero. Players spawn at the beginning position on the map with 100 health. The characters respawn at designated coordinates. These designated coordinates are placed strategically around the map. The characters will respawn at the nearest designated coordinates with 100 health. The players pick up items(such as the sword) from item nodes which are placed strategically around the map. These item nodes replenish periodically after the items have been picked up by the players. The players drop their items on death and other players can pick them up.

The character controller operates like this: W is transform(or move) forward, S is transform(or move) backwards, A is rotate left, D is rotate right, Q is transform(or move) left, E is transform(or move) right.

The game will launch from an .exe file. After it launches the player will connect to the server as a client.

If you could make a game that works in 63 bytes, id' be impressed !

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


What exactly is it you're hoping to achieve here?

I don't really understand why you've posted a link to a collection of empty .rtf files...

Do you want advice on learning to develop? Do you want feedback on the small snippets of "design" in your post?

If you were trying to recruit people you're going about it all wrong...

You're also very probably in the wrong forum (this is our off-topic forum) but I can't really move you to another section until I know what you're actually hoping to achieve.

- Jason Astle-Adams

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