I have been working on a MMORTS in the style of the great 90's strategy games I grew up playing. 'Thrones of War' takes multi-player RTS warfare and scales it up to a massively-multiplayer level. Players are given a starting outpost when they sign-up which is persistent and free from attacks. As they level up, they will gain the ability to attack and conquer neutral outposts in the center of the map which harbor the rarest of resources.
This game has a free demo available to the public, and it's launch has gone really well thus-far. The majority of bugs have been taken care of, and I will be spending the rest of my weekend expanding on what is already done.
Features -
- Two factions to choose from (Orcs & Humans)
- Persistent outposts
- Working in-game chat system
- Massive world map
- Worker customization
- Free demo available to guests
- Available in Windows & Unity WebPlayer versions (Linux & Mac coming soon)
- Missions system that serves as a walk-through for new players
More Info -
- Official website: http://thronesofwar.com/
- Official twitter: http://twitter.com/thronesofwar/
- IndieDB profile: http://indiedb.com/games/thrones-of-war
- Itch.io profile: http://idlepeon.itch.io/thrones-of-war
Any and all feedback is welcome and will be greatly appreciated. Hope to see some of you in the up-coming Alpha!
Human outpost example
Orc outpost example
Main title screen
World Map - Orc Starting area
Rare resource plots in the center of the map