From the screenshot it looks like most of the time with loading the bytecode is spent in the function asCReader::ReadUsedFunctions, more specifically with the calls to IsSignatureEqual.
A trivial optimization would be to switch the order of the comparisons in the conditions. For example:
for( asUINT i = 0; i < engine->scriptFunctions.GetLength(); i++ )
asCScriptFunction *f = engine->scriptFunctions[i];
if( f == 0 ||
!func.IsSignatureEqual(f) || // <-- make this the last check in the condition, since it is the most expensive
func.objectType != f->objectType ||
func.nameSpace != f->nameSpace )
usedFunctions[n] = f;
Going a bit further but still keeping it simple, I would look into rearranging the logic inside IsSignatureEqual(). For example:
bool asCScriptFunction::IsSignatureEqual(const asCScriptFunction *func) const
if( !IsSignatureExceptNameEqual(func) || name != func->name ) return false; // <-- change this so the name is compared first
return true;
Just these two simple changes has the potential of saving 1-2 seconds on your loading time.
Would you mind making the above changes and verifying if the improvement is worth it? If it is I'll have the changes checked in to the SVN for the next release.
A much more complex optimization can be done by storing the functions in a hash map so the lookup done in ReadUsedFunctions() isn't done linearly. This would require a considerable amount of work, and I'm not entirely sure how much time it would save (though I'd guess it would be in the range of 80% of the time).
If the trivial changes I proposed above are good enough, then it will probably not be worth it to spend this time to implement the hash map.