
Recommendation for web hosting , to start GameDev Blog

Started by June 18, 2015 06:19 AM
8 comments, last by Servant of the Lord 9 years, 4 months ago

Hello all
im searching for good web hosting solution to start GameDev Blog .

searching via google i read only horror story's about the standard web hosting solution .
so im asking here , can you recommend ?

if all you need is a blog, have you considered just using the journals here? I find them to be great, and you have an audience already who will actually read what you write.


Well this is option also , but i like more flexibility .

In that case if you head on over to you can get a free hosted blog. If it becomes popular, you can always migrate your data into your own installation on your own hosting, or into a different blog software entirely.

Personally, running a blog is something i've avoided as most of the blog software out there is constantly full of holes and needs updates every other week.

Thanks , didnt know wordpress have free plan ,

well about your concern i don't like it either but i really need some motivation accelerators . and some how to publish my game progress out side of
this or other "DevLog" sub forum's

If you're happy with the conditions, the free hosting with is an excellent option -- and given you can always migrate to other hosting it's probably a great starting point.

I like NearlyFreeSpeech for a low cost (but not particularly user friendly) option, or for a full service (but pricier) option Synthesis is absolutely amazing and handles most of the potentially bothersome updating that braindigitalis mentions.

- Jason Astle-Adams


If you're happy with the conditions, the free hosting with is an excellent option -- and given you can always migrate to other hosting it's probably a great starting point.

I like NearlyFreeSpeech for a low cost (but not particularly user friendly) option, or for a full service (but pricier) option Synthesis is absolutely amazing and handles most of the potentially bothersome updating that braindigitalis mentions.

I also did bot know, Thank you for info! :)

Synthesis is absolutely amazing and handles most of the potentially bothersome updating that braindigitalis mentions.

What on Earth does Synthesis do to make it worth 5-10x the price of normal hosting?

I use HostMonster, at about $10/month (for a single website, you could go as low as $5/month). Even that has one-click installation of WordPress via SimpleScripts, auto-update of wordpress installations via the same, etc.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

I use, but a free WordPress blog is a great idea if you're just starting out too.

A Small Orange is really inexpensive ($5 a month, or even just $35 a year), you can sub-host domains on a single plan (i.e. host two separate domains names like '' and '' without an increase in price), and their support is incredible. If I want to talk to them about a newbie problem I'm having, being an inexperienced at running a website, I can be live-chatting with a real person in less than two minutes, who's actually knowledgeable about the services they provide, and isn't outsourced.

I get my domain names from a different service, but I point the domains to my A Small Orange hosting.

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