
Start with Aspect ratio or Resolution?

Started by June 17, 2015 08:11 PM
8 comments, last by ethangreys 9 years, 8 months ago


i am going to develop a new game for PC using Unity2D.

but i am confused, should i start designing and developing based on an aspect ratio or a resolution. also is there any difference if i started with any of them?

Aspect ratio: 16:9


Resolution: 1920x1080

since when i use Unity and put aspect ratio 16:9 i can see the full screen of the game, but when i put it 1920x1080 resolution i dont see all the screen and it says different resolutions.

2D or 3D? 3D it really shouldn't matter. 2D, aspect ratio. Design your assets for the highest resolution you support, its easy to downsample and the results are better than upsampling. It's aspect ratio that really kills you.

Then again in mobile its mostly a non factor, there isn't the huge variation you see in mobile. On a huge PC screen, letter boxing is more accepted for non standard resolutions, and they dont have the massive diversity ( like 16:9 of the Galaxy Note to the 4:3 of the iPad ) that you see in the mobile space. Graphics made for a 16:10 look fine on 16:9 for example. Graphics made for 16:10 on 4:3 look like crap.


2D or 3D? 3D it really shouldn't matter. 2D, aspect ratio. Design your assets for the highest resolution you support, its easy to downsample and the results are better than upsampling. It's aspect ratio that really kills you.

Then again in mobile its mostly a non factor, there isn't the huge variation you see in mobile. On a huge PC screen, letter boxing is more accepted for non standard resolutions, and they dont have the massive diversity ( like 16:9 of the Galaxy Note to the 4:3 of the iPad ) that you see in the mobile space. Graphics made for a 16:10 look fine on 16:9 for example. Graphics made for 16:10 on 4:3 look like crap.

it is going to be 2D.

you said "2D, aspect ratio" then you said " It's aspect ratio that really kills you.", but do you mean it is better to design with the highest resolution?

also check this image, i put the resolution 1920x1080 but it shows different resolution

While you can design for an "ideal" aspect ratio, keep in mind that, especially in the mobile/tablet space, "aspect ratio" changes all the time and won't necessarily be standard. For example, if the user changes the orientation of the device, the aspect ratio will change (as they will expect the game to rotate to match). Or on Windows 8/10-based devices (and as an experimental feature in Android I think) the screen can be split into multiple sections which the user can re-size at will, providing a theoretical "infinite" variety of aspect ratios.

As for resolution - try to design for as high a resolution as you can afford, speed and memory-wise. 3d and vector-based graphics will obviously scale to any resolution, and mip-maps will help you scale to smaller resolutions for 2d art, but upscaling tends to get blurry fast - and devices are getting higher and higher resolutions all the time.

also check this image, i put the resolution 1920x1080 but it shows different resolution

It is only showing a different resoution because you are viewing it in the editor. If you run it outside of the editor it will use the set resolution.

also check this image, i put the resolution 1920x1080 but it shows different resolution

It is only showing a different resoution because you are viewing it in the editor. If you run it outside of the editor it will use the set resolution.

but when i want to make the game for 1920x1080 but all i can see is lets say 960x540, how can i check if all the gui elements are in their correct position without building the game?


Try clicking the Maximize on play button and maximizing your Unity window. Sorry am at work so can't check in Unity if this will work

Try clicking the Maximize on play button and maximizing your Unity window. Sorry am at work so can't check in Unity if this will work

i made this simple code to check the resolution,the resolution i am using is 1920x1080

Debug.Log (Screen.height+" x "+Screen.width);

i got 786 x 442 before maximizing

then i got 1616 x 909 after maximizing

so still cant know if the gui elements are in their correct positions if i want to work on 1920x1080 resolution.

This the best you will be able to get. No way to run at full screen inside the Unity editor.

I think in this case you should clicking the Maximize on play button and maximizing your Unity window to solve your problem

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