so you know when you are playing a game and you try to shoot your in game companion and you either can’t do it or he starts saying stop shooting me but he actually doesn’t take any damage or the game makes a mission failed pop up and you restart from your last checkpoint or when the game takes control from the player sometimes to avoid him shooting at some NPCs or whatever.
well I am making a GTA game and while working on it I added the mission system to the NPCs in other words i programmed the NPCs to hold the mission system but before that shooting NPCs killed them and so you can do the same with NPCs that hand out missions and I started to play around with that concept I made missions where oneNPC wants you to kill another important NPC and when you go to that one he tells go kill the one that gave you the mission WELL i hope that’s not complicated and I found it interesting I mean the player can create his own fun so why can’t he also choose to kill every last NPC in the game yeah all the missions are now gone but it was the player’s choice
is that gonna be bad for the player? will it discourage them? or will it actually feel liberating for the player to do anything he wants in the game without any type of constraints? I don’t know in one way I find it cool and interesting on the other it might hurt players that might kill an NPC by mistake
so what do you think ?