
OS X "El Capitan" Aims To Offer Better Performance, Metal Graphics

Started by June 09, 2015 06:30 AM
25 comments, last by Bill Hollings 9 years, 3 months ago

Well that's Apple! As always they try to control as much as they can. They're worse than Microsoft in the early days and we all know that ms didn't even respect laws to succeed in business.

So we end up with Vulkan, DX12 and Metal, well then cheers.

How much will that impact the development of Vulkan?

My guess:


"Recursion is the first step towards madness." - "Skegg?ld, Skálm?ld, Skildir ro Klofnir!"
Direct3D 12 quick reference:
The thing is Metal is here, DX12 is just over a month away and Vulkan is still MIA - as I said in another thread I'll be surprised now if we see a public API release at Siggraph which means it could be more than 6 months after that when it finally drops.

I was certainly interested in it but as we've got closer to Win10 release I'm now thinking I'll focus my attention towards D3D12 and wait to see what state Vulkan is in as/when it appears...

Meh. Metal has already been here on iOS for over a year so its no surprise to see it coming to MAC. Also I like the idea of MetalKit providing an easy framework to get Metal projects up and running.
The things that got my interest were GemeplayKit, ReplayKit and ModelIO.

Well that's Apple! As always they try to control as much as they can. They're worse than Microsoft in the early days and we all know that ms didn't even respect laws to succeed in business. So we end up with Vulkan, DX12 and Metal, well then cheers.

Thats a harsh reaction to making an API available on more platforms then it was before... what do you suggest they do? Keep using old OpenGL? Wait for Vulcan to arrive? Implement DX12?

I think it would be pretty nice if there was just one api for everything microsoft and just one api for everything apple.

Of course, it would be even nicer with just one api, that also worked on everything else, but not that bad situation...

I think Apple is using Metal and these other Objective C frameworks, like spritekit, scenekit as a trojan horse to trick developers into locking in their games to Apple platforms. It's only later on the developer releases that they can make a lot of money on other platforms, but they don't have to resources to re-write the game.

Which would be true if you even could make a lot of money on 'other platforms'. Most studies I've seen show iOS users are more likely to part with cash than Android users so despite lower market share you can make more money there... although mobile dev is pretty much a death march right now with most people not making any money at all so...

Thats a harsh reaction to making an API available on more platforms then it was before... what do you suggest they do?

Well I would be happy it if they would opensource the whole api etc.. Downloading/installing Mac like Ubuntu on my chosen hardware and not

the other way round.

I think Apple is using Metal and these other Objective C frameworks, like spritekit, scenekit as a trojan horse to trick developers into locking in their games to Apple platforms. It's only later on the developer releases that they can make a lot of money on other platforms, but they don't have to resources to re-write the game.

Or you can just abstract everything out other then the super low level stuff to C++ (or super fancy and some kind of script engine) and not lock yourself into a single platform. Granted I don't know a super large pool of professional mobile developers but I don't know any that actually use any anything like SpriteKit to make a game when it's going to be cross platform to begin with.

Already mentioned that Metal has been out since iOS 8. Pretty expected that it would come to Mac at some point since both platforms share so much in common. Besides, Khronos isn't well known for being timely or on point with their releases. Doesn't make much business sense to rely on something like that for what is a core part of the OS.

Which would be true if you even could make a lot of money on 'other platforms'. Most studies I've seen show iOS users are more likely to part with cash than Android users so despite lower market share you can make more money there... although mobile dev is pretty much a death march right now with most people not making any money at all so...

You seemed to have forgotten about Steam, but your logic is all wrong. Even if Android makes less than iOS, a game on Android *and* iOS makes more than just iOS

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