I'm using SharpDX (virtually identical to SlimDX). I'm using the coordinate system where the positive sides of the axes point right, up and forward.
Anyway, I'm just wondering if there's a function such that I can input three vectors (center point, forward direction and up direction - right would be implied), which will all represent the destination of an object, but it will just output a matrix, so that I can multiply the matrix by any vector (generally all points of an object in a loop), and it will then move and rotate each vector that amount. For example, if I start with a vector at the origin, it will end up moving exactly to the center point (about which rotation occurs), but if I started with a point slightly to the right of the origin, it would end up that same distance to the "right" of the center point (by "right" I mean in the direction of the implied right vector), or if it's a distance forward (along z) from the origin, it will end up that far "forward" of the center point.
So I was trying functions that seemed similar, such as LookAtLH, but that's really for positioning a camera, so if anything, it seems to have the opposite effect from what I want (if I move the camera forward, I'm actually moving points backward, so they're not as far ahead when they're drawn).
So is there a different function I should use instead?