Look for a programmer... explain your vision to him, see if he is interested in it. Ideally, he has his own ideas, that go into the same direction as yours, and you can combine your ideas into a bigger, more refined vision.
But then there are also many programmers that are actually looking for projects, that do not have an idea to implement. Maybe somebody would like to work on a game project, brings a decent amount of expierience to the table, and would be happy to work with you to implement your idea?
Just make sure you sell yourself well... you are NOT just the idea guy if you have as much art expierience as you told us in the OP, and I am pretty sure no programmer would call you that. Make sure you have things in place that both show your expierience and skill, AND help you explain you ideas better.... concept sketches, drafts of game art, maybe, if you have the time and interest, start roughing out level design and stuff like that in a game Engine like Unity.
And that is the last thing to keep in mind: even as an artist with no programming expierience, you could do much more than just art if you wanted to. Modern game engine editors will let you get pretty far with zero programming expierience.
You can build the levels for your game in the editor without writing a single line of code. You can show off these levels in the editor view, or with some internet search skillz and copy-pasta, you can create a simple flight-through or even user-controllable script.
Of course you will face some learning curve to get an understanding of the editor and the engine, and you will have to invest some time into building the levels....
But at some point somebody needs to do that anyway, and depending on how many people you want to get involved, or how many people you can get interested, somebody might need to take on the hat of the game- / leveldesigner.
Given your game needs a lot of code, versus not so much art, or that you are quite fast at churning out the needed art, you might be the best candidate to do the level- and gamedesign, ESPECIALLY if you are the one who came up with the initial idea.