
Absolute beginner - Where is the best place to learn the design aspect of Unity?

Started by June 03, 2015 06:24 PM
7 comments, last by KayDashO 9 years, 6 months ago

So I've downloaded Unity, I did a 1 hour tutorial on YouTube using pre-existing assets and I understand the UI quite well. I am a Logic (music software) expert and many aspects of the Unity UI are very similar so I picked it up quickly.

Now, I have next to no programming knowledge, however that is not the area that interests me. I am far more interested in the design area. Can anyone recommend any places online, or even courses online that are good for people like me who want to learn Unity design from the absolute beginning, ground up?

Thanks in advance smile.png

(Let me just add, I've searched online for hours today for things that could help me, but most of the tutorials and courses I've seen that actually start from the VERY BASICS seem more geared to programming and coding. I can't seem to find any design ones that don't seem to start sort of half way in...)

What do you mean by Unity "design"? That's a pretty ambiguous term.


Unity requires some actual coding into a script file. If you're looking for a engine that has a visual scripting language, you might be better off with Unreal 4?

Ok in that case... would you be able to recommend any total beginners guides/courses to Unity that kind of cover it in a very general way? As in, starts with the absolute basics and doesn't have a particular focus on coding but more a general focus on everything? Does this exist? I know I sound like a total and complete noob... :/

I guess, to clarify, my interest lies in the designing, 2D and 3D, assets, models, visual stuff but I'd like to use Unity. I don't mind learning some programming at all, I just don't particularly want to 'be' a programmer lol

It doesn't really sound like you are looking for a Unity tutorial to me.

It sounds like you are looking for more of the artistic side of things like modelling, skinning, texturing etc. I would recommend that you look at tools for each of those areas and look for tutorials specific to those tools.

If you want to use Unity that is fine, but the things you are talking about wouldn't be generated from within Unity.

Design is what you do before you begin developing the project. wink.png

Of course, some people fly by the seat of their pants and design as they go.

There are several very active online communities around Unity. There have been many useful YouTube videos made about it.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer


I also don't understand what you mean by "Unity Design". Can you give us an example of what you're talking about?

Wikipedia: Game design

Unity should be able to support almost* any game you could accomplish on your own. So you can design whatever game you want and develop it in Unity.

But to learn "Unity Design" doesn't quite make sense

- Eck

EckTech Games - Games and Unity Assets I'm working on
Still Flying - My GameDev journal
The Shilwulf Dynasty - Campaign notes for my Rogue Trader RPG

I try not to push it too hard, but I've got a book that sounds perfect for you. See the signature below the post. :-)

It starts through what you are describing as design, builds up using built-in systems, building worlds, hooking up the built-in controllers and such to manipulate the world until you reach the point where you actually need to start scripting.

Hey guys thank you all for your replies. Sorry this one is a bit late.

Sorry for the confusion, I guess I didn't even know exactly what I meant either. I definitely want to learn Unity actually... design such as modelling and texturing is most certainly a big interest of mine, I was obsessed with poly counts etc from the days of the N64 lol but I need to also learn scripting so for now I want to be learning Unity from the ground up... If I have an idea for a basic game, I want to be able to create mock ups of it and test it out myself.

I've looked at some courses online but I just never know which one to go for... Has anyone had any experience with this one?:

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