
2d game - aerial view or view from angle

Started by June 03, 2015 03:55 AM
4 comments, last by DanglinBob 9 years, 8 months ago

I'm creating a 2d Tower Defense game for ios, android, and desktop. However, I'm having a bit of trouble deciding how I want the graphics. I work as a software engineer, but have never worked with mobile apps and have never built a game. I've already put in a lot of work, and I have a lot left to do. Even though this is my first game, I want to make it as good as I possibly can. I considered hiring someone to create my graphics, but after doing some research, I don't think I can afford it.

I could have the game be viewed at an angle like such:

I like this option because of the way the sprites look. It allows you to do more with graphics, show their bodies, etc. However, it would take more effort with the graphics, something I don't have the luxury to do.

I could have it be an aerial view that looks straight down like: (the balloons are from the side, but my game would have them look like the monkeys were you can only see the head)

This option, from what I have seen, typically does not look as good graphically. You can only see their heads as it is looking straight down. This option wouldn't take as much work graphically, but it wouldn't look as good either. Another reason I don't like this option is because I wanted to have some characters to be able to crouch or have a different position.

Right now I'm leaning towards having an aerial view because it is easier to do graphically. I will most likely be making all of the graphics myself and I'm not great at it. Doing the aerial view will make it easier on me, because I can make one graphic and use it to rotate. Doing the view from the angle, I would have to create a bunch of spritesheets. Therefore, I'm leaning more towards the aerial view as it would be easier on me. However, as I stated before, I don't really want to take any easy ways out as I want to create the best game I can.

Advice would be greatly appreciated!


Consider the gameplay ramifications of your choice as well: in a typical tower defence game accurate tower placement is one of the most important things, and you want to make this easy for the player to do correctly so that their losses will be based on poor strategy rather than accidentally misplacing towers.

Accurately judging position on a grid is generally easier with a top-down view, especially if the grid is not explicitly shown.

Combined with the ease of asset production, I think top-down probably makes more sense unless showing character details is particularly important to your game.

- Jason Astle-Adams


Its interesting to note that both of the screenshots are top-down gameplay-wise, one just has the sprites drawn from the side instead of straight from the top.

This is of course not really correct, but its usually fine, you accept it.

The reason artists like to draw it like that is to be able to fit more detail and personality in the sprite. Just showing the top of the head of characters usually make them a bit boring.

Also note that you can get away with the side-view in a top-down without extra sprites and rotations too.

Just look at your first screenshot smile.png

All of the sprites are the same, no matter what direction the character is travelling. (I assume they might be flipped if they go from right to left instead of left to right)

Of course, it might be a bit easier for the player to see the direction quickly if it is also reflected in the sprite... but it might work fine without rotations with a single from-the-side sprite also in a top-down view

No answers in my post, just hopefully a bit more food for thought smile.png

Thank you for the replies. I would really prefer to show the detail of the Sprites that I can get if I do a side view, however, if I did that, I would want to create spritesheets and make it look as if they were walking. However, not being good at creating graphics it doesn't seem like the way to go.

The advantage of the top down view and being able to place towers more easily is a very good point.

I attach the fidelity of graphics directly to gameplay pacing, if your prototype is fast paced more focused on pixel perfect twitch timing gameplay, you can get away with less fidelity from your graphics however if you've got a slower paced experience, you're relying more on emotional immersion, more ambiance from you sounds and music you will need to use higher fidelity graphics to create clearer visual cues. The more time your player has to think about the game the more strategic their mind becomes seeking for clues in everything they see to better succeed. The more clues you give them to find in your game art, the more interesting the game. Never add art to a game that isn't attached to gameplay even in an ambient manor. It removes immersion as the players brain works to attach the art to the experience.

I think top down games tend to look cheap. Looking good, especially on mobile, is very important to generate curiosity downloads. If the gulf of your art skill is so great that an angled view means it would look WORSE than top down then you should go top down (or hire an artist :D)

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