
2D artist beginner

Started by June 02, 2015 03:29 PM
20 comments, last by PepperRacoon 9 years, 3 months ago


Need your help and criticism (as tough as possible) if you find some time to look my art through.

I'm only starting and it's my first house.


it's pretty nice!

the wood is drawn very good.


biggrin.png Thanks!

Isn't it too dark?

It looks nice. The only two things that pop out is that the rocks on the side look a little flat or somehow off. And the few spots that only have one shade of brown could probably use a second as everywhere else is a mixture. But this is really just nitpicking.

Thanks a lot for the feedback!

I've just got distracted with the light wood and didn't pay enough attention to the dark one. Next time I'll be more careful.

Thanks againrolleyes.gif

Very nice, the only criticism I have is about the grass on the roof.

You are probably going to use this in a game with isometric 2D tiling, anyone quickly looking at the image could mistake the roof for a floor, because grass usually is on the ground floor. Not that grass couldn't grow on the roof and it does look good.

The roof tiles them self look good without the grass and if you remove it, you can use the effect for ground tiles.

The dark color gives a nice feeling of strength so no need to brighten it. Looks like it's made from black iron wood, strong stuff to make a house from.


Thanks a lot!

I was just drawing it for the future portfolio. But I'll keep this in mind when drawing smth like this for the

Everybody is a critic, LOL, just kidding. I personally like your house and definitely would use it in a RPG game !! The grass on the roof is quaint and charming. To me it give the appearance of a poor woodsman or farmer, or even a low level non-human character. The rocks are fine, either natural or a quarried look to them. If they were quarried, the would be smooth on a side or 2.

With all that said, my downer would be the window is to blue. Add a touch of orange or yellow to give the appearance of reflecting sun-light or an interior lamp. I would request that the window be darker with some type of curtain or drapery, preferably tattered to stick with the run down look or abandoned.

1 thing for certain is that I Could Not have done nowhere as nice of a job as you did!!

Your Brain contains the Best Program Ever Written : Manage Your Data Wisely !!

Thanks a lot for such a detailed feedback. smile.png

I don't like the window as well but I didn't know how to fix it. Now I know! Thanks again. I'll try to give it an abandoned look.

I dont think glass would be used on this type of house. to me its like putting a glass window on a castle. I think wooden shutters would be more appropriate. I am a beginner as well so I may be totally wrong.

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