
newbie who needs some help

Started by January 18, 2000 11:05 AM
6 comments, last by Squall012 25 years, 1 month ago
There are two things I need help with..hope someone out there can help. (1) To show my newbie status, I need some tutorials or help of anykind on how to display some bitmap(or other picture format)in my c++ programs. (2) Can someone show me the way to some really really good Tile based game tutorials. I want to start small with a tilebased rpg, and I want some good tutorials to begin. Thanks to anyone who can help me!
Take a look at this site:

It''s got a tutorial on loading and blitting bitmaps.
Well, a little more information would be helpful for the first question. What enviornment and compiler are you wanted to do this with. Displaying a bitmap with DirectX is completely different than doing it in DOS.

I''ve never done a tile based game before, but there is a forum dedicated to it here, as well as a nice article on tile smoothing a while back. Just look in the previous features section under programming.
Reading Books about this stuff can be really useful.
If you''re going to use DirectX, "Inside DirectX" would be the best choice...
ok, this is for I-Shaolin:

currently im working in DOS with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, i dont know how that can help.

Everyone else: thanks, and i guess i have to invest in a book or two. and ill look at that link. thanks to all
I would recommend turning away from dos game programming before you start, cause when you start you get hooked. If you know how to program in dos I would recommend geting Andre Lamothes book named "Windows Game Programming For Dummies". This book will teach you the bare minimum you need to know about windows programming and will get you started in directx game programming in no time.

~SpikeYou can contact me at
I would suggest if you don''t know windows programming learning that before working with a windows game API. Take it from someone who has tried it before, it is easier to learn the intricacies of Windows before tackling an API, then it is to jump straight in to something such as directx. :-)

Good luck!
Thanks, apparently everyone I talk to frowns upon DOS to make games, so I''ll stear away from that, and about that book, "Windows Game Programming for Dummies"...I ordered it and am gonna read up on that. Thanks to everyone for the help, you pointed me in the right direction.

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