Hi all,
I have been trying to break into the industry for couple of years now (had a series of failed interviews)
I have been reviewing my mistakes and looking at ways to improve myself.
My Goal : I hope to become a Gameplay/Generalist programmer.
I know completing games is crucial and I have a couple of completed student game projects (C++ custom engines)
My question is what should I work on now to further improve my portfolio and hone my skills ?
Here are some of my choices:
A) Resume work on my custom C++ engine (it has basic openGL renderering and basic component system architecture) and make a game from it. It will take some time for my engine to be ready for proper serious gameplay programming and actually implementing game features
B) Use Unreal Engine 4, I have been considering this option quite a bit. It allows me to brush up my C++ skills and focus purely on gameplay programming.
C) Use Unity. I use Unity at work and I love it very much, but using C# has made my C++ really rusty. I think that attributed to my failed interviews.
Note: Based on the interviews I had so far, it is obvious nobody cares about which engines you used before, and the interview tests often revovles around basic game implementation techniques, fundamental C++ and computer science knowledge like memory management.
So if an applicant focus on using commercial engines for personal projects, they might not be well versed in basic game implementation techniques. For example, topics like memory management, collision tests, raycasting, framework architecture are techniques which will be used and exposed to only if the applicant build a custom game engine.
So my question is really, to become an entry gameplay programmer, and to prepare my skills, should I use a custom game engine or commercial game engine which allows me focus heavily on gameplay aspects (camera control, player control, gameplay features, AI etc etc) ?
Thank you in advance!