Either I'm doing something stupid in code or this is what should be expected based the math, I think it's the former.
Why is it when I add more dice faces, i.e. go from 4 sided dice to a six sided dice, my variance explodes! Did I do something stupid in my code?
When I have a 4 sided dice with two 1s and two 0s, and I run a monte carlo simulation totaling ten million dice rolls, my total bounces around zero give or take ~300.
When I run the simulation with a six side dice, my total bounces around 0 with a variance in the tens of thousands??
I'm almost 100% sure there's something with my code, because when I make the prizes, { 1, -2, 3, -4, 5, -3 }, my EV should be near zero, yet it's almost always a large negative number.
Here's my code