
Pokemon Dream World

Started by May 08, 2015 11:01 PM
1 comment, last by Servant of the Lord 9 years, 9 months ago

So basically I've decided to showoff a little side-project I've began working on while Chaoscraft finishes or (trys to) finish its graphics. I decided to post in show-off Without further-a-do, I present a project I've been trying to create for countless times to come!...


Storyline Concept - Rather original idea for a Pokemon game, methinks.


Together for as long as anyone can remember, humans fought alongside Pokemon not just as companions, but as friends, together conquering the world in a never-ending quest to capture them all. Some treating Pokemon different than others, some with reasons big and some with reasons small, some with bad intentions, and some with good intentions.

Together, Pokemon alone lived in various parts of the region in harmony. Being disturbed for a battle or a capture once in a while, Pokemon ran free everywhere. People have dreams to catch them all, while others dreamed to teach others about Pokemon. Some conducted research, together, people felt at home with their own Pokemon dream, as it gave them something to live for. Personally, my dream was to be the very best, but you see, dreams don't matter anymore, and they haven't for the past couple years.

For some strange reason, which the news reports may be due to Ghost Pokemon, nobodies had a dream or even dreamt while sleeping for a while now, but to be perfectly honest, no one has a clue. It's left our professors guessing left and right with nothing to come up with, and after a while, they lost the lust of working on the problem, some even retired, their dream of researching Pokemon has been forgotten.

And that's where you come in! The only clue the professors have is these common rifts are opening up all over the world, allowing to what they've entry to the "Dream World". Who knows whats in the Dream World, but its your destiny to find out, and protect the world and bring back the power of DREAMS!


I've started mapping little bits and pieces, I pasted together the first route after what I've named "Specter Town", all town and city names will be dubbed by names related to dreams, like how the original Pokemon series is after colors (Like Palette Town, referring to the palette colors, Viridian City, Lavender Town, Indigo Plateau). I apologize in advance for any choppiness when pasting together the map.

Route 1 - Zoomed Out




Route 1 - 100% Default




Here's some more eye candy, for bum candies 'n' giggles

Battle System




Pokemon Attributes, Stats, Nature, and OT (Orignal Trainer)




Pokemon in 1st slot on the roster follows you




If your interested in mapping or providing programming experience, I'd be more than happy to take you aboard. The best way to reach me is on skype @ CMFiend420, thanks for looking! I know its not much, I'll update as I go!

Are you shooting for an attainable goal? Just to use the Pokemon name your talking serious cash. Its an entire franchise. ( The creator of Pokémon now has a networth of about $5.1 billion ). Its like saying im going to create the next zelda.


You probably already know this, so I'll make it quick:

Pokemon is Nintendo's property. If Nintendo gets wind of you using their property, they can sue you and not only shut down your Pokemon game, but also take possession of (and shut down) your non-Pokemon games (i.e. Chaoscraft). If Chaoscraft ever makes money via advertisements, or donations, or subscriptions, or microtransactions, Nintendo can take that money, in compensation for you making use of their intellectual property. wacko.png

I'd suggest focusing on your own property (Chaoscraft), and let Nintendo focus on theirs (Pokemon). You're creative enough to create something of your own - you don't need to risk playing with fire by using something Nintendo made.

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